Opened 9 years ago

Closed 2 years ago

#7063 closed defect (outdated)

SWORD25: Intro (video) gets stuck (while music and text is fine)

Reported by: raziel- Owned by: raziel-
Priority: normal Component: Engine: Sword25
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Broken Sword 2.5


ScummVM 1.9.0git (Feb 26 2016 17:10:52) Features compiled in: Vorbis FLAC MP3 RGB zLib MPEG2 Theora AAC FreeType2 JPEG PNG

Let the intro on a new game roll. It will freeze when the camera pans over George's head in the plane seat (screenshot attached) and never return to animating itself again. Music glitches shortly just before playback stops as if there was a crash. But there wasn't as music and speech play along nicely and, what looks completely broken is that, the intro text is still being displayed on top of the frozen still pic.

Once the intro has finished it switches to the game screen, which seem to work normal.

Broken Sword 2.5: The Return of the Templars (English)

AmigaOS4 - PPC - SDL - BE gcc (adtools build 5.3.0) 5.3.0

Ticket imported from: bugs/7063.

Attachments (1)

Broken Sword IIV-Frozen intro.png (201.0 KB ) - added by raziel- 9 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (16)

by raziel-, 9 years ago

comment:1 by uruk, 9 years ago

I couldn't reproduce it under Windows 10. Anyone else with AmigaOS could give it a go please?

comment:2 by raziel-, 9 years ago

Seems to be yet another specific AmigaOS problem.

There is a bug that still exists in the OS which leads to crash the program that is bold enough to try and access ram beyond 1.5 GB (of 2 GB installed).

The video replayer in BS25 plays the intro (biggest video file in the game regarding size) and doesn't seem to flush anything while replaying. So it's constantly filling up my ram slowly until it hits the magic mark and ...crashes (explains why audio and the rest of scummvm plays along nicely). Why i don't get a crash report or the GrimReaper is beyond me though, but it would also explain why there is a hiccup in sound aswell when it hits.

sev told me in irc that it could be cured by "freeing the decoded frames"

Thanks a lot for the help once again, sev

comment:3 by SF/hschoettner, 9 years ago

ScummVM git1668-g365f06d (April 26, 2016) to which I'm stuck because

[sword25-de] description=Baphomet's Fluch 2.5 (German)

This happens also on windows x86 platform, but much later in the intro in step 3 of 4:

The intro a sequence of several parts: * the 1st airplane scene (George cannot sleep) * the credits with the black background * the credits with the texture background * the airplane landing & car in rain scene

It works fine until the middle of step 3 of 4. Then the sound begins skipping and stuttering a lot. The CPU load raises to 2 of 4 cores fully loaded. The video gets stuttering too.

Although the speakers credits on-screen display should happen in the last part 4 of 4, these texts are already shown during the stuttering of part 3 of 4.

It looks like the video runs somewhat too slow compared to the sound and on-screen display texts (speakers credits), because the last part 4 of 4 runs fine but without any text and sound.

After that the CPU load is still between 1.5 and 2 cores fully loaded with several minutes (!) of black screen and silence. Then CPU load falls below 1/6 of a single core then and the game itself starts fine with the 1st dialogue of Nico and George.

There are no further prints in the status windows than the usual start-up message of the game engine.

Thanks for your help!

comment:4 by raziel-, 9 years ago

Thank god i'm not the only one

comment:5 by SF/hschoettner, 9 years ago

By the way, also the new scummvm release version 1.8.1 show the written problems above (win x86 platform), although the "blackout-times" feel now somewhat shorter (but are still much too long).

P.S.: I still honour my AMIGAs too, although they all run only the classic Kickstarts 1.3/2.04/3.1 only

comment:6 by raziel-, 6 years ago

Summary: BS25: Intro stuckSWORD25: BS25 - Intro stuck

comment:7 by digitall, 6 years ago

@raziel-: Is this problem still occurring with the latest git master? Could you test to be sure? Thanks. If it is still occurring, I will take a look at fixing "freeing the decoded frames", though the engine looks fine in this respect... Might be in the Theora decoder itself.

comment:8 by raziel-, 6 years ago


Yes, still the exact same behaviour like described in the item

comment:9 by digitall, 6 years ago

Hmm... Since you indicate that it could be an issue with the video decoding memory usage will take a look and see if I can make that less heavy...

comment:10 by raziel-, 6 years ago

Standing by for testing...

comment:11 by digitall, 6 years ago

Hmm. Ran on this, though having a bit of trouble reading the results clearly, but the overall statistics of running ScummVM through the BS25 intro are:

bytes allocated in total (ignoring deallocations): 1.40GB (3.27MB/s)
calls to allocation functions: 10024415 (23359/s)
temporary memory allocations: 1003435 (2338/s)
peak heap memory consumption: 156.97MB
peak RSS (including heaptrack overhead): 1.43GB
total memory leaked: 458.80KB

comment:12 by raziel-, 6 years ago

It might not be the reason failing, that was just an idea i was having, since then, some parts of my OS have already been updated.

Also, as you can see above, some windows user is experencing the same thing, just later in the intro, and i doubt he's having the same memory problems than i do (if there are any, that is)

Completely unrelated:
Then again, my memory "seems" to run out with the Full Pipe engine maybe if you can come up with a fix for this issue, there may be a fix for Full Pipe as well(?)

comment:13 by raziel-, 5 years ago

Summary: SWORD25: BS25 - Intro stuckSWORD25: Intro (video) gets stuck (while music and text is fine)

comment:14 by raziel-, 2 years ago

Owner: set to raziel-
Resolution: outdated
Status: newpending

Setting this to pending (and hopefully not forget about it) since it doesn't happen for me anymore.

The video is still slow and far behind the music/sound/speech, but at least it doesn't stall anymore. I was able to watch through the whole intro.


You confirmed the issue on your Windows setup.
Maybe you could try with a daily build and recheck?

Thank you

comment:15 by raziel-, 2 years ago

Status: pendingclosed

Closing as outdated

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