Opened 22 years ago

Closed 21 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#643 closed defect (outdated)

DOTT: Timing problem

Reported by: SF/pickle Owned by: fingolfin
Priority: normal Component: Engine: SCUMM
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Day of the Tentacle


Hi :)

I just tried ScummVM and played DOTT from start to finish (woops, there goes a few hours!). Well done on an excellent piece of software :)

I noticed one thing, which did get in the way of many of the jokes (and sometimes caused dialog/SFX and music to be cut short):

The timing between sequences doesn't seem right for most (all?) of the scenes. Lines of dialog seems to be run one after the other, with the appropriate pauses missing.

I haven't played DOTT for over 5 years now, it was great to get it running again. Other than the timing problem, I found no other glitches.

Vitals: I'm using the latest ScummVM version, from it's win32 package (version 0.3.0b) on an athlon 2000+ XP, using a geforce4 mx dual-head card. I ran the scummgl.exe version. DOTT is the English talkie version from CD - I copied the entire dott directory to the hard drive though (using the advice in the readme file).


- Simon

Ticket imported from: #656025. Ticket imported from: bugs/643.

Change History (7)

comment:1 by fingolfin, 22 years ago

Summary: Timing problem?DOTT: Timing problem

comment:2 by eriktorbjorn, 22 years ago

Do you have any more specific examples?

comment:3 by SF/pickle, 22 years ago

One specific example which comes to mind is during the sequence where they travel through time - the scene in the vortex. Objects float through the vortex at faster intervals than they should, which plays havok with the sounds (which get prematurely truncated as a result).

Another example, at the same time, is when the diamond cracks - when at Hoagie is 'surfing' the chronojohn, the music originally was timed to change perfectly with each cut scene, but now each scene seems a second or two too short.

If you need more examples I'll play through the game and note them down. I've seen a few lines of dialogue which ran too fast, missing pauses which were there to add to jokes.


- Simon

comment:4 by eriktorbjorn, 22 years ago

When one sound effect starts, it may turn off other sound effects playing at the same time. ScummVM does that for some games (including DotT) because the game seems to rely on that behaviour in some cases.

It might be just a matter of fine-tuning the music tempo and/or talk delay. The music tempo was changed slightly some time ago to make for better synchronization with Conroy's song in Sam & Max, and we already use a different talk delay for Loom.

Unfortunately I've never heard what the games are really supposed to sound like, so any fine-tuning I do would be pure guesswork. Perhaps Jamieson has some ideas. At least when it comes to Sam & Max music he's the resident ubertrout...

comment:5 by fingolfin, 21 years ago

Owner: set to fingolfin
Resolution: outdated
Status: newclosed

comment:6 by fingolfin, 21 years ago

This seems to work fine with latest CVS.

comment:7 by digitall, 6 years ago

Component: Engine: SCUMM
Game: Day of the Tentacle
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