Opened 12 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#6337 closed defect (invalid)

SCUMM: COMI - Wrong music cue triggered

Reported by: SF/andywinxp Owned by: AndywinXp
Priority: normal Component: Engine: SCUMM
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Monkey Island 3


Apart from the fact that digital iMUSE still lacks some features in this game, during the part where I give my membership card to the cabana boy, after the end of the dialog, that catchy music is triggered.

Now, there are two version of that cue: one is baffled, and it sounds like a music being heard in a distance, the other is a standard version

the standard version usually gets triggered when you're actually on the beach, while the muffled one is triggered when you're in the cabana boy room.

The problem is: in the original exe, when you give him the membership card, after the dialogue, the standard cue should trigger, and it goes on when you're in the beach, and when you come back to the cabana, it changes to its muffled version. In ScummVM, after giving him the membership card, after the dialogue, it goes straight to the muffled version, giving an ankward feeling.

ScummVM version: Lastest SVN as of May 23, 2013 Language: English Platform: Win32, Android

Ticket imported from: #3613812. Ticket imported from: bugs/6337.

Attachments (1)

comi.s32 (78.7 KB ) - added by eriktorbjorn 12 years ago.
Savegame before entering the cabana with the membership card

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (5)

comment:1 by wjp, 12 years ago

Summary: Wrong music cue triggeredCOMI: Wrong music cue triggered

by eriktorbjorn, 12 years ago

Attachment: comi.s32 added

Savegame before entering the cabana with the membership card

comment:2 by eriktorbjorn, 12 years ago

> In the original exe, when you give him the membership card, after the dialogue, the standard cue should trigger, > and it goes on when you're in the beach, and when you come back to the cabana, it changes to its muffled version.

If I understand correctly, that's what happens for me when I try it in ScummVM. I've attached my savegame to the bug report. (I've only tried it with uncompressed audio files, if that makes any difference.)

I turned on some of the music-related debug messages and this is what I see, with my comments in brackets:

[Entering the Cabaña] Set music state: stateCabana, 1223-C~1.IMX [Showing the membership card, and waiting for the conversation to end. The music changes.] Set music state: stateBeachClub, 1225-B~1.IMX [Entering the beach. The music does not change in any noticeable way.] Set music state: stateBeachClub, 1225-B~1.IMX [Going back to the Cabaña. The music becomes slightly muffled.] Set music state: statePostCabana, 1224-P~1.IMX [Going back to the beach. The music becomes unmuffled again.] Set music state: stateBeachClub, 1225-B~1.IMX

(The other debug message I turned on was never shown. Not until I tried to cross the hot sand, anyway.)

comment:3 by raziel-, 5 years ago

Summary: COMI: Wrong music cue triggeredSCUMM: COMI - Wrong music cue triggered

comment:4 by AndywinXp, 4 years ago

Owner: set to AndywinXp
Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

I sincerely have no idea what was on my mind while I wrote this ticket, closing

Last edited 4 years ago by AndywinXp (previous) (diff)
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