Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#5701 closed defect (fixed)

TOOLS: compress_sci skips last resource?

Reported by: SF/agf863 Owned by: wjp
Priority: normal Component: Tools
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game:


The location is scummvm-tools/engines/sci/compress_sci.cpp CompressSci::execute() The do-while loop counting the number of resources in the file

resourceCount is incremented after the end-of-file check

On the last resource, the loop is exited without incrementing resourceCount.

This appears to me to mean the last resource is skipped, and not added to the compressed file.

Unfortunately I can't test this as I only have one game with files this code recognizes (KQ6) and I already deleted the original RESOURCE.AUD and RESOURCE.SFX files after compressing them and confirming they appeared to work.

Ticket imported from: #3302321. Ticket imported from: bugs/5701.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by SF/agf863, 14 years ago

Actually I could test this by looking at the number of entries for RESOURCE.AUD or RESOURCE.SFX in the RESOURCE.MAP and comparing it to the translation table at the beginning of each file, but I don't know the format of that MAP so maybe tomorrow.

comment:2 by wjp, 14 years ago

You're absolutely right. Thanks; well spotted!

(The text in my copy of KQ6 that's skipped by this is: "Alexander watches helplessly as the guards descend upon him.")

comment:3 by wjp, 14 years ago

Owner: set to wjp
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

comment:4 by wjp, 14 years ago

Summary: Tools: compress_sci skips last resource?TOOLS: compress_sci skips last resource?
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