Opened 15 years ago

Closed 3 years ago

#4303 closed defect (outdated)

SCUMM: COMI - The menu doesn't work properly

Reported by: SF/shinobu_maehara Owned by: orgads
Priority: normal Component: Engine: SCUMM
Version: Keywords:
Cc: orgads Game: Monkey Island 3


ScummVM 0.13.0 (Feb 22 2009 18:46:25) Features compiled in: Vorbis FLAC MP3 zLib MPEG2

The menu doesn't work. It opens, but the volume controls aren't adjustable, the save/load menu opens up at position 85 instead of the beginning, and saving games doesn't work. The old ScummVM F1 menu used to work.

Language: English

Platform: Win32

I can't include a savegame, because it refuses to save.

Not present in the previous version I had (I think 0.7), because back then the menu wasn't emulated.

Ticket imported from: #2760602. Ticket imported from: bugs/4303.

Change History (18)

comment:1 by fingolfin, 15 years ago

Please tell us the exact steps required to reproduce the problem you are experiencing, as well as what the expected behavior and what the actual behavior is.

comment:2 by fingolfin, 15 years ago

Summary: The menu doesn't work properlyCOMI: The menu doesn't work properly

comment:3 by eriktorbjorn, 15 years ago

Sounds like he's describing the game's original menu (which, apparently, we display when pressing the F1 key; that may be a regression). ScummVM uses the F5 key for its own menu in most (all?) SCUMM games.

comment:4 by SF/ghostpirate, 15 years ago

I can confirm the problem. I have the Mac version 0.13.1 stable. The game works correctly but it's not possible to save in any way. Using the game menù, it opens strangely near position 85 (as already said). Then, trying to save, it seems to save correctly (it writes the savegame file in the relative folder too), but after in the load page there is nothing. Using the Scummvm menù the save/load options are simply greyed, so no way..

comment:5 by wjp, 15 years ago

There are three different menus in COMI:

The F1 menu: this does indeed seem to be broken.

The F5 menu: this works for me.

The ctrl-F5 menu: saving/loading are greyed out for me too.

comment:6 by SF/ghostpirate, 15 years ago

Ah ok, yes, you are right, i didn't remember there was another one. cmd+F5 (mac) works indeed. Shouldn't work the game one too however?

comment:7 by eriktorbjorn, 15 years ago

Kirben has fixed so that the F1 key brings up ScummVM's own menu (like it used to), rather than the not-quite-working original one. Does that mean the bug can be closed now, or were there other problems as well?

comment:8 by sev-, 15 years ago

Status: newpending

comment:9 by sev-, 15 years ago

This tracker item is pending response by the submitter; we cannot continue processing it before that happens. As a consequence, its status has been set to "Pending". It will automatically revert to "Open" once a new comment is made to this item. If no response is made within 14 days, it will automatically be closed.

Thank you.

comment:10 by Kirben, 15 years ago

Leaving open, as it would still be good to fix those bugs, when using the original load/save menu system.

comment:11 by Kirben, 15 years ago

Status: pendingnew

comment:12 by SF/gannet, 14 years ago

I only just learnt that the original COMI menu is actually available in ScummVM now, so I tried it out and found these issues too. Here's exactly what happens for me:

• Choosing Save or Load in the COMI menu opens the page at slot 85 instead of the first slot (so you have to click a dozen times to get back to the start). • Save files that were created with ScummVM's menu appear in COMI's Load menu with their correct names, though no thumbnails, and will load correctly. • Saving with COMI's menu in any slot creates "comi.c01" (note c instead of s), and this file will not appear in either ScummVM's or COMI's Load menu. • If I rename "comi.c01" to "comi.s01" it will then appear in ScummVM's Load menu as "Untitled savestate" with correct thumbnail, but will not appear in COMI's Load menu. • Loading this renamed file from ScummVM's menu will present me with COMI's menu. Clicking Return to Game from here will try to load "comi.c01" and of course fail since that file doesn't exist any more. But if I keep two copies of the save file, "comi.c01" and "comi.s01", then I can load and return to game.

comment:13 by fingolfin, 14 years ago

Extremely weird, at least the "slot 85" bit, I have a hard time thinking of any possible cause for this. Is this with version 1.1.0 ?

Thumbnails will only appear for newly made savegames, not for old ones, that might explain why you don't get to see any.

The "original" menu in COMI is not very well supported and mostly there to allow you to see it. I was never quite happy about enabling it in the first place, actually..

comment:14 by SF/gannet, 14 years ago

Yup, 1.1.0.

The thumbnails always show in ScummVM's menu, just not in COMI's (even for new ones).

It seems like the main issue here is with the filename. If it could be made to always use .s## instead of .c## (or vice versa, I guess it doesn't really matter), and use the correct number instead of 01, then the basic saving/loading functionality should work.

comment:15 by SF/shinobu_maehara, 14 years ago

>Please tell us the exact steps required to reproduce the problem you are experiencing, as well as what the expected behavior and what the actual behavior is. ??? I think this should have been clear, if not from my original report (I didn't know about F5 - I always used F1, sorry about that) then from Gannet's replies. But here goes: [1] Install ScummVM. [2] Copy COMI to folder in ScummVM folder. [3] Install COMI in ScummVM the usual way. [4] Run COMI in ScummVM. [5] Press F1. [5.1.1] Try to drag the volume sliders. [5.1] a) Slider positions are stationary. [5.1] e) Slider positions follow mouse pointer, volume changes accordingly. [5.2.1] Click Load Game. [5.2] a) Saves 85 to 90 are in view. [5.2] e) Either the first few or the last few saves should be in view. (I don't know what the original COMI exe does, since it doesn't work on my computer, but the latter certainly would have my preference.) [5.3.1] Click Save Game. [5.3.2] Click a save, type a name, accept. [5.3.3] Re-open F1 menu. [5.3.4] Click Load Game. [5.3] a) The save isn't there. See Gannet's comments for the likely reason. [5.3] e) The save appears and clicking it should load it. [5.4.1] Save a game using ScummVM's own interface. [5.4.2] Open the F1 menu. [5.4.3] Click Load Game and flip to the save. [5.4] a) No thumbnails appear. [5.4] e) Thumbnail should appear. P.S. My apologies for the late reply, but the tracker notifications got buried below a huge amount of spam.

comment:16 by SF/shinobu_maehara, 14 years ago

I just discovered that the comments are displayed anti-chronologically; please ignore my comment below. The guy who invented anti-chronological order should be shot.

comment:17 by raziel-, 4 years ago

Summary: COMI: The menu doesn't work properlySCUMM: COMI - The menu doesn't work properly

comment:18 by orgads, 3 years ago

Cc: orgads added
Owner: set to orgads
Resolution: outdated
Status: newclosed

Is this still valid? When I press F1, F5 or Ctrl-F5 I get the same menu, and it works for me.

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