Opened 16 years ago

Closed 3 years ago

#4144 closed defect (fixed)

GROOVIE: T7G - Starting Apparition out of sync

Reported by: SF/magoochris Owned by: Die4Ever
Priority: normal Component: Engine: Groovie
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: 7th Guest


ScummVM version: ScummVM 0.13.0pre (Feb 7 2009 18:08:22) Features compiled in: Vorbis FLAC MP3 zLib MPEG2

The 7th Guest: Eng 2CD

I've just started looking at the 7th Guest here on ScummVM and I think I've found something a bit off... The intro movie played through fine (much clearer than I remember it being) and then the camera moves to the front door... here there is a cutscene that plays with each of the guests walking in... but it shows up as out of sync with the voices? is this meant to happen?


I just played it all over again but this time in full screen mode... it's hard to tell with the scenes from the book if they are out of sync... the one with the wood carving sounds completely out while the one with the clinking of the glasses is exactly on. this time the guests were also a little harder to tell. The first lady seemed to be synched but the last man's footsteps are right out...

Ticket imported from: #2576968. Ticket imported from: bugs/4144.

Change History (9)

comment:1 by SF/magoochris, 16 years ago

Summary: Starting Apparition out of syncT7G: Starting Apparition out of sync

comment:2 by spookypeanut, 16 years ago

Owner: set to spookypeanut

comment:3 by spookypeanut, 16 years ago

Hmm, my memory tells me that this was the case with the original too, but it's been so long since I watched the intro in the original (it's so *long*!), so I'll have another look.

comment:4 by sev-, 16 years ago

What is the status of this item?

comment:5 by digitall, 14 years ago

_sev: It is probable that this is still occuring in the latest Git master. There is a known issue with video sync in Groovie due to roundings in the VideoPlayer class. See engines/groovie/player.* specifically in VideoPlayer::setOverrideSpeed(bool isOverride) around line 58 of player.cpp

This could possibly be corrected by Common::Rational usage, but the best solution here would be to replace the VideoPlayer class with the standard VideoDecoder and rewrite the VDX and ROQ codec to work with this. jvprat has been working on doing this.

comment:6 by SF/pegasusepsilon, 9 years ago

The wood carving in the intro movie has always been out of sync (even under DOS). It always annoyed me.

comment:7 by raziel-, 5 years ago

Summary: T7G: Starting Apparition out of syncGROOVIE: T7G - Starting Apparition out of sync

comment:9 by Die4Ever, 3 years ago

Owner: changed from spookypeanut to Die4Ever
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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