Opened 19 years ago

Closed 19 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#2551 closed defect

A whole lot of bugs found in ScummVM Win32&PocketPC

Reported by: SF/activesink Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: Port: WinCE
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game:


This description comprises several different bugs on the two builds of ScummVM: (1) Windows 32bit version and (2) the PocketPC version ------------------------------------------------------- ScummVM 0.8.2 (Feb 6 2006 08:49:48) Win32 version using hq3x fullscreen Version of game: Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (English(US)/DOS) with speech.

Bug descriptions: (1) When on Team Path I cannot get to navigate the submarine into the airlock no matter how hard I try.

(2) When on Wits Path being on Thera ones is about to assemble a balloon for a ride. The balloon consists of the following components; Balloon bladder, Huge basket, Fishing net and Hose. When assembling the ballon by choosing for example "use balloon with basket" causes a script crash. If you assemble the balloon the right way, it doesn't crash.

(3) [savegame attached] When in Atlantis (independent of path) in the crab room you are about to catch a creb in the rib-cage. When putting the bait in the cage either by "use rations with rib cage" or by "use sandwich with rib cage" a script crash occurs. ------------------------------------------------------- ScummVM 0.8.2 PocketPC version Version of games: "Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (English(US)/DOS) with speech" and The Secret of Monkey Island (English(US)/DOS) with mp3 music" System description: HP iPAQ hx4700series, Intel XScale PXA270 624MHz, VGA64K, 135MB, PocketWindows2003SE.

Note: Bug (3) doesn't occur with this build

Bug descriptions: (1) When using antialiasing (ie using advmame2x) it crashes sometimes immediately upon game start (especially with monkey island) and sometimes it manages to start the game but crashes after a while. Each crash generates a ScummVMcrash file which contents are enclosed with this description on section (*).

(2) When saving a file the interface gets interfered by the input icon located in the lower left corner of the screen. This problem persists in fullscreen mode (whetever that means) as well as in non-fullscreen mode.

(*) Crash details: ---------------------------------------- Exception Access Violation Flags 00000000 Address 00035f94 Parameter 0 00000000 Parameter 1 1c48f000 ---------------------------------------- Context dump R0=29210000 R1=00000000 R2=00000000 R3=00000000 R4=00000000 R5=0048eb00 R6=0048f000 R7=0048ed80 R8=00525680 R9=00000128 R10=00000a00 R11=00525620 R12=00000000 Sp=1c42fad0 Lr=00035f50 Pc=00035f94 Psr=2000001f ---------------------------------------- Memory dump at 00035f62 a0 e1 01 00 00 eb 04 d0 8d e2 f0 81 bd e8 f0 43 2d e9 00 80 a0 e1 01 50 a0 e1 02 70 a0 e1 03 60 a0 e1 1c 90 9d e5 00 00 59 e3 24 00 00 0a b0 40 d5 e1 b0 10 d6 e1 04 08 a0 e1 20 38 a0 e1 01 08 a0 e1 20 08 53 e1 12 00 00 0a b2 00 57 e1 00 18 a0 e1 b2 00 d7 e1 21 28 a0 e1 00 18 a0 e1 21 08 52 e1 0b 00


Ticket imported from: #1462095. Ticket imported from: bugs/2551.

Attachments (1)

atlantis.s17 (33.4 KB ) - added by SF/activesink 19 years ago.
Bug (3) in the Win32 compilation can be reproduced here.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (6)

by SF/activesink, 19 years ago

Attachment: atlantis.s17 added

Bug (3) in the Win32 compilation can be reproduced here.

comment:1 by fingolfin, 19 years ago

Then please file one separate bug report for each issue. We can't track multiple bugs with a single tracker item!

Re submarine navigation: Sounds like a common usage error, several people reported this in the past, it was always a problem on the user's side so far :-).

comment:2 by fingolfin, 19 years ago

Status: newpending

comment:3 by SF/sf-robot, 19 years ago

This Tracker item was closed automatically by the system. It was previously set to a Pending status, and the original submitter did not respond within 14 days (the time period specified by the administrator of this Tracker).

comment:4 by SF/sf-robot, 19 years ago

Status: pendingclosed

comment:5 by digitall, 6 years ago

Component: --Unset--Port: WinCE
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