Opened 19 years ago

Closed 19 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#2410 closed defect (fixed)

WIN32: scummvm.ini in %windir% (reopen)

Reported by: SF/thomashog Owned by: Kirben
Priority: normal Component: Port: Win32
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game:


The current installer is buggy with Windows95/98/ME. And with Windows3295/98/ME ScummVM itself is useless because you're able to play native ;-)


*) no link in startmenu for other users *) installer puts the scummvm.ini to %windir%. => non-admin user hasn't/should not have the right to write into the config (see FAQ 4.13)


*) create folder %AllUser%\Startmenu\Programs\ScummVM *) move News.lnk, Readme.lnk & ScummVM.lnk into the created directory *) change ScummVM.lnk properties and set the command line to {scummvm_path}\scummvm.exe -c"%APPDATA%\scummvm.ini"


Ticket imported from: #1384527. Ticket imported from: bugs/2410.

Change History (12)

comment:1 by SF/quietust, 19 years ago

If I'm not mistaken, the issues you've just listed pertain not to Windows 95/98/ME but to Windows NT/2000/XP.

comment:2 by fingolfin, 19 years ago

See also RFE #743288 < group_id=37116&atid=418823&func=detail&aid=743288>.

I am all for moving the scummvm.ini to another place.

Whether we want to create a shortcut/link to ScummVM is another question, and probably oppinions on this will vary. Maybe it can be added as an option in the installer... ?

comment:3 by fingolfin, 19 years ago

Owner: set to Kirben
Summary: Win32: scummvm.ini in %windir%WIN32: scummvm.ini in %windir%

comment:4 by SF/joachimeberhard, 19 years ago

Somehow I think %appdata% isn't such a good idea.

I'd much rather prefer %homepath% or %homepath%\ScummVM to be the directory of the ini files which is the "My documents" shorcut. You could also place the savegames there by default for example.....

If you're wanting to make things really a better default experience for windows users, this is my suggestion for it...

%appdata% is a hidden path and not so easy to find for people just wanting to back up their settings....

Best regards


comment:5 by Kirben, 19 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

comment:6 by Kirben, 19 years ago

The Windows installer will add Start Menu icons for all users now, if the person has adminstrator rights.

The ScummVM icons on the Start Menu are already optional.

The config file is created by ScummVM, not the Windows installer. The config file issue is already covered by a
feature request at func=detail&atid=418823&aid=743288&group_id=37116

comment:7 by SF/thomashog, 19 years ago

If the installer places the StartMenu icon in %allusers%, a non-admin will not be able to add the -c switch :-/ If you place it there for all users, it MUST work for all users - without the "-c $userpath" it's useless... This will(?) fail with Win95/98/ME - so there has to be a different link created (does the installer support 'case $OS '?)

Maybe using an "expert mode" during the installation? Because only experts are affected - all the others are "all time admin" users.

And btw: "look in different places" is a feature request. Placing a *user* file in a *system* directory is a bug.

*At least* fix the FAQ 4.13: "change permission" => "change config location with the -c switch [...]"

@Joachim: %apdata% is not really hidden: Start, run: % appdata% works fine (here with Win2k) And the reason I used %appdata% was just because my linux box uses ~/.scummvmrc and not ~/scummvmrc


comment:8 by SF/thomashog, 19 years ago

Status: closednew
Summary: WIN32: scummvm.ini in %windir%WIN32: scummvm.ini in %windir% (reopen)

comment:9 by SF/joachimeberhard, 19 years ago

Why do you yourself reopen this thread?

Are you a developer of ScummVM also?

This discussion is already in progress at the thread kirben postet. func=detail&atid=418823&aid=743288&group_id=37116

Best regards


comment:10 by Kirben, 19 years ago

The Windows installer (Inno Setup) would check the Windows version and add the Start Menu icons to the correct location.

We decide what is classed as a bug, and what is classed as a feature request.

As mentioned before, the default location of the scummvm.ini is already covered in a feature request. Direct any future comments to that feature request.

comment:11 by Kirben, 19 years ago

Status: newclosed

comment:12 by digitall, 6 years ago

Component: Port: Win32
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