Opened 19 years ago

Closed 19 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#2023 closed defect (invalid)

WIN: compilation errors in windows

Reported by: SF/loki1985 Owned by: fingolfin
Priority: normal Component: Port: Win32
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game:


when compiling using MinGW in Windows, and disabling all modules except SCUMM, the build will fail cause of unresolved calls....

additionally the parameter "-mwindows" is automatically added to the linker commandline which causes the ScummVM executable to be console-less, so no debug information is shown...

(hope this wasn't already reported)...

Ticket imported from: #1200772. Ticket imported from: bugs/2023.

Change History (11)

comment:1 by fingolfin, 19 years ago

Status: newpending

comment:2 by fingolfin, 19 years ago

To process your bug report appropriately, we need you to provide the following additional information:

* ScummVM version (PLEASE test the latest CVS/Daily build) * Bug details, including instructions on reproducing it * Language of game (English, German, ...) * Version of game (talkie, floppy, ...) * Platform and Compiler (Win32, Linux, MacOS, ...) * Attach a save game if possible * If this bug only occurred recently, please note the last version without the bug, and the first version including the bug. That way we can fix it quicker by looking at the changes made.

This should only take you a little time but will make it much easier for us to process your bug report in a way that satisfies both you and us.

Thank you for your support!

comment:3 by Kirben, 19 years ago

The current ScummVM CVS still compiles fine under mingw, when only the SCUMM engine is enabled. I suspect the issue is due to code not been disabled correctly, when certain libraries aren't available. Knowing the expect error(s) would be much more helpful.

The -'-mwindows' parameter is added by sdl-config, alter its options if you don't want it.

comment:4 by SF/loki1985, 19 years ago

ok, so the -mwindows cannot automatically be changed in SVM configure....

about the rest: tested with 070, 071, not yet tested with CVS, but will do. i will provide the exact linker output in some days...

comment:5 by SF/loki1985, 19 years ago

Status: pendingnew

comment:6 by fingolfin, 19 years ago

Status: newpending
Summary: compilation errors in windowsWIN: compilation errors in windows

comment:7 by SF/loki1985, 19 years ago

i added the error output of MSYS here. one thing which just came to my mind: is disabling via editing "config.mak" correct?

i hope it is, or else the whole report would be my fault.....

if it is not, please add the correct way to the documentation....

this is the error output when having everything disabled except SCUMM:

sound/libsound.a(mt32.o)(.text+0xca1): In function `ZN15MidiDriver_MT32D2Ev': c:/x/scummvm/sound/softsynth/mt32.cpp:231: undefined reference to `MT32Emu::Synth::~Synth()' sound/libsound.a(mt32.o)(.text+0xcef): In function `ZN15MidiDriver_MT32D1Ev': c:/x/scummvm/sound/softsynth/mt32.cpp:231: undefined reference to `MT32Emu::Synth::~Synth()' sound/libsound.a(mt32.o)(.text+0xd3d): In function `ZN15MidiDriver_MT32D0Ev': c:/x/scummvm/sound/softsynth/mt32.cpp:231: undefined reference to `MT32Emu::Synth::~Synth()' sound/libsound.a(mt32.o)(.text+0xf19): In function `ZN15MidiDriver_MT324openEv': c:/x/scummvm/sound/softsynth/mt32.cpp:253: undefined reference to `MT32Emu::Synth::Synth()' sound/libsound.a(mt32.o)(.text+0x10c3):c:/x/scummvm/sound/softsynth/mt32.cpp:265: undefined reference to `MT32Emu::Synth::open(MT32Emu::SynthProperties&)' sound/libsound.a(mt32.o)(.text+0x11b3): In function `ZN15MidiDriver_MT324sendEj': c:/x/scummvm/sound/softsynth/mt32.cpp:275: undefined reference to `MT32Emu::Synth::playMsg(unsigned)' sound/libsound.a(mt32.o)(.text+0x1247): In function `ZN15MidiDriver_MT3217setPitchBendRangeEhj': c:/x/scummvm/sound/softsynth/mt32.cpp:291: undefined reference to `MT32Emu::Synth::calcSysexChecksum(unsigned char const*, unsigned, unsigned char)' sound/libsound.a(mt32.o)(.text+0x1289): In function `ZN15MidiDriver_MT325sysExEPht': c:/x/scummvm/sound/softsynth/mt32.cpp:297: undefined reference to `MT32Emu::Synth::playSysex(unsigned char const*, unsigned)' sound/libsound.a(mt32.o)(.text+0x12a0):c:/x/scummvm/sound/softsynth/mt32.cpp:299: undefined reference to `MT32Emu::Synth::playSysexWithoutFraming(unsigned char const*, unsigned)' sound/libsound.a(mt32.o)(.text+0x12e3): In function `ZN15MidiDriver_MT325closeEv': c:/x/scummvm/sound/softsynth/mt32.cpp:313: undefined reference to `MT32Emu::Synth::close()' sound/libsound.a(mt32.o)(.text+0x12f9):c:/x/scummvm/sound/softsynth/mt32.cpp:314: undefined reference to `MT32Emu::Synth::~Synth()' sound/libsound.a(mt32.o)(.text+0x1330): In function `ZN15MidiDriver_MT3215generateSamplesEPsi': c:/x/scummvm/sound/softsynth/mt32.cpp:319: undefined reference to `MT32Emu::Synth::render(short*, unsigned)' sound/libsound.a(mt32.o)(.data$_ZTV8MT32File+0x20): In function `ZN19MidiDriver_Emulated16setTimerCallbackEPvPFvS0_E': c:/x/scummvm/sound/softsynth/emumidi.h: undefined reference to `MT32Emu::File::readBit16u(unsigned short*)' sound/libsound.a(mt32.o)(.data$_ZTV8MT32File+0x24):c:/x/scummvm/sound/softsynth/emumidi.h: undefined reference to `MT32Emu::File::readBit32u(unsigned*)' sound/libsound.a(mt32.o)(.data$_ZTV8MT32File+0x30):c:/x/scummvm/sound/softsynth/emumidi.h: undefined reference to `MT32Emu::File::writeBit16u(unsigned short)' sound/libsound.a(mt32.o)(.data$_ZTV8MT32File+0x34):c:/x/scummvm/sound/softsynth/ emumidi.h: undefined reference to `MT32Emu::File::writeBit32u(unsigned)' sound/libsound.a(mt32.o)(.data$_ZTVN7MT32Emu4FileE+0x20):c:/x/scummvm/sound/softsynth/emumidi.h: undefined reference to `MT32Emu::File::readBit16u(unsigned short*)' sound/libsound.a(mt32.o)(.data$_ZTVN7MT32Emu4FileE+0x24):c:/x/scummvm/sound/softsynth/emumidi.h: undefined reference to `MT32Emu::File::readBit32u(unsigned*)' sound/libsound.a(mt32.o)(.data$_ZTVN7MT32Emu4FileE+0x30):c:/x/scummvm/sound/softsynth/emumidi.h: undefined reference to `MT32Emu::File::writeBit16u(unsigned short)' sound/libsound.a(mt32.o)(.data$_ZTVN7MT32Emu4FileE+0x34):c:/x/scummvm/sound/softsynth/emumidi.h: undefined reference to `MT32Emu::File::writeBit32u(unsigned)' make: *** [scummvm.exe] Error 1

comment:8 by SF/loki1985, 19 years ago

Status: pendingnew

comment:9 by fingolfin, 19 years ago

No, editing config.mak is not proper. Run ./configure --help

to get a list of possible options, which e.g. allow you to disable select engines, the MT32 emu and other things.

comment:10 by fingolfin, 19 years ago

Owner: set to fingolfin
Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

comment:11 by digitall, 6 years ago

Component: --Unset--Port: Win32
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