Opened 21 years ago
Closed 20 years ago
#1639 closed defect (worksforme)
FT: Sounds gets truncated at end of SMUSH movie
Reported by: | eriktorbjorn | Owned by: | aquadran |
Priority: | normal | Component: | Engine: SCUMM |
Version: | Keywords: | ||
Cc: | Game: | Full Throttle |
Full Throttle, English version CVS snapshot of ScummVM
After Ben crashes with his bike, when he's found by the journalist, the last line of speech in the SMUSH movie gets cut off. Instead of "...who can fix anything." I just get "...who can fix any...".
Possibly related, in the SMUSH movie afterwards some of Maureen's lines overlap slightly. I have a hunch there's some function that thinks a sound is done when all the data has been handed to the mixer, but that's just a vague feeling.
I tried fixing this by not allowing the movie to stop until *both* _videoFinished was set and the SMUSH mixer had stopped playing, i.e. not until isActive() returned false for all the sound handles. This sort-of worked, but broke "Esc"aping from the movie.
Ticket imported from: #960866. Ticket imported from: bugs/1639.
Change History (12)
comment:1 by , 21 years ago
comment:2 by , 21 years ago
Owner: | changed from | to
comment:3 by , 21 years ago
Actually I didn't mean to assign the bug report to anyone, but apparently the bug tracker assigns SMUSH/Insane bugs automagically.
I didn't include a savegame since this happens at the very beginning of the game. The most time-consuming part is getting through the biker fight and watching the SMUSH movies, and I don't think it's possible to save during either.
comment:4 by , 21 years ago
that sounds not imuse bug, but smush bug by stoping smush too early. i can't check it, because there is allready escaping bug in mush preventing reproduce it.
comment:5 by , 21 years ago
when smush is ending, audio tracks are imediately stopped, that is a little problematic to implement it properly. maybe switch audio tracks into imuse as originaly
comment:6 by , 20 years ago
I will add a movie, from my other post, which I did not realize was a re-post of this.
comment:7 by , 20 years ago
ok, I guess I can not add a moive, someone take the one from the FT: movie cut short thread and post here
comment:9 by , 20 years ago
Resolution: | → worksforme |
Status: | new → pending |
comment:10 by , 20 years ago
Looks like you're right. At least, I can no longer reproduce it on this computer.
comment:11 by , 20 years ago
Status: | pending → new |
comment:12 by , 20 years ago
Status: | new → closed |
This is obviously an iMUSE bug. Reassigning to aqudran.
Also it would be very good if savegame was attached.