Opened 2 days ago

Closed 2 days ago

Last modified 2 days ago

#15535 closed defect (fixed)

DGDS: drawType2 improperly searches for a title.

Reported by: BehindTimes Owned by: mduggan
Priority: normal Component: Engine: DGDS
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Rise of the Dragon


drawType2 currently searches for a colon (:) to find the title, and if there's no colon, it just assumes it's all text.

The dialog when looking at the city hall though has a colon later in the text, which needs to be displayed as text, rather than having an extremely long header which runs outside the bounds of the dialog.

This could be corrected if, when searching for the colon, the colon appeared before any carriage returns (\r), and if not, the colon would be part of the text.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by mduggan, 2 days ago

Summary: drawType2 improperly searches for a title.DGDS: drawType2 improperly searches for a title.

comment:2 by mduggan, 2 days ago

Owner: set to mduggan
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

In 564747e3:

DGDS: Only search for title before CR

Colons are allowed to appear in the dialog string if they appear after a CR.

This fixes #15535.

comment:3 by mduggan, 2 days ago

In 09a6fa53:

DGDS: Only search for title before CR

Colons are allowed to appear in the dialog string if they appear after a CR.

This fixes #15535.

comment:4 by mduggan, 2 days ago

Thanks for the report!

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