Opened 3 months ago

Closed 3 months ago

Last modified 3 months ago

#15510 closed defect (duplicate)

AGS: 5 Days a stranger crashes with segmentation fault under very specific condition

Reported by: antoniou79 Owned by: tag2015
Priority: normal Component: Engine: AGS
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game:


I could only reliably reproduce this issue with this game only, so it could be specific to this game.

This was tested with the game "5 days a stranger" Special Edition/English on Windows with a recent daily dev build of ScummVM 2.10.0git (windows-x86-64-master-61a93cf8).

Steps to reproduce:

  • Launch the game
  • Wait for the first text to appear on screen ("I don't have a name")
  • Bring up the ScummVM Global Main Menu (GMM) and select "Return to launcher" or "Quit" ("Return to launcher" showcases the issue better)

ScummVM will exit to desktop with a "Segmentation Fault" message.

This will not happen if the player exits the game earlier than that.
Also it will not happen if the player skips the intro cutscene and exits from the main menu, or starts a new game and exits from there.

ScummVM 2.8.1 does not seem to have this issue.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by bluegr, 3 months ago

Owner: set to tag2015
Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

This is caused when exiting while an overlay is shown . It's a duplicate of bug #15488


comment:2 by criezy, 3 months ago

In 9a336aaa:

AGS: Clear all screen overlays in unload_game()

This is what upstream AGS does in the 3.6.1 and master branches,
while our code corresponded to the 3.6.0 branch.
This fixes an issue where deleting the screenoverlay vector later
on would try to access an already cleared SpriteCache.

This sould fix bugs #15488 and bug #15510.

comment:3 by criezy, 3 months ago

In 50f971d2:

AGS: Clear all screen overlays in unload_game()

This is what upstream AGS does in the 3.6.1 and master branches,
while our code corresponded to the 3.6.0 branch.
This fixes an issue where deleting the screenoverlay vector later
on would try to access an already cleared SpriteCache.

This sould fix bugs #15488 and bug #15510.

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