Opened 3 months ago

Closed 3 months ago

#15504 closed defect (fixed)

indy 3 macintosh version - scummvm crashes without enabled original gui

Reported by: gabberhead Owned by: AndywinXp
Priority: normal Component: Engine: SCUMM
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Indiana Jones 3


... since the newest build, i think this commit Commit 30c7faf
, breaks it. before that, the game was starting. when i enable it, the game starts again.

Change History (6)

comment:1 by eriktorbjorn, 3 months ago

I haven't had a chance to look at the latest changes yet.

When I added an "original GUI" setting for Indy3 and Loom, if I remember correctly that just controlled if you would get the menu (and the dialogs opened exclusively from it) or not.

Now we may have to consider several cases:

  • User turns of original GUI manually. Some dialogs may still be shown, e.g. the "confirm on exit" one?
  • Original GUI is turned off because it's an unsupported version that we don't yet know how to extract the resource strings from. We can't even show the dialogs.
  • Original executable and/or instruments are missing. For Loom and Indy 3 that's a no-go. The others may be able to limp through but do/should they?

I may be able to look later tonight.

Last edited 3 months ago by eriktorbjorn (previous) (diff)

comment:2 by bluegr, 3 months ago

I've tested enabling and disabling the original GUI in Mac versions, got no crashes whatsoever. Everything works as expected (e.g. pause menu, save/load menu).

Can you provide more information? Where does it crash for you?

comment:3 by gabberhead, 3 months ago

i found the problem, whoch is triggering the crash. but i dont know, why with this commit, scummvm crashes.
i did a fantranslation of the game. and in room 76 lsv3_0201 script, i have a short message under the lucasfilm logo. this is the part from the beginning of the file with descumm:

[0000] (00) stopObjectCode()
[0001] (14) print(254,[Center(),Pos(160,180),Color(8),Text("Unzensierte Deutsche Macintosh Version - by Gabberhead")]);
[0043] (1A) VAR_TIMER_NEXT = 5;
[0048] (1A) Local[0] = 1;
[004D] (AD) putActorInRoom(Local[0],0)

when i remove the message between 0000 and 0043, then the game starts again.
what is now different as before, when the game didnt crash?

comment:4 by lephilousophe, 3 months ago

Owner: set to AndywinXp
Resolution: fixed
Status: newpending

This should be fixed by commits a3ed463acce4a90504c5e1dfce9ae80f29baa7fd and 28fd30fb844b2740aa00abc1b4b512b927cbb5f9.

Note that custom unknown patches are not supported.
This should have been mentioned and a test with original data files should have be done from the beginning.

comment:5 by gabberhead, 3 months ago

its working again

comment:6 by lephilousophe, 3 months ago

Status: pendingclosed
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