Opened 12 days ago

Last modified 12 days ago

#15430 new defect

DGDS: Rise of the Dragon thought bubbles are slightly off

Reported by: eriktorbjorn Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: Engine: DGDS
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Rise of the Dragon

Description (last modified by eriktorbjorn)

It's a very minor point, but the Rise of the Dragon thought bubbles are drawn slightly differently compared to the original. The size and text position differ slightly, and the original had a slightly more pronounced outline.

Here is a comparison from early in the game. ScummVM:


Attachments (2)

rise-original.png (17.0 KB ) - added by eriktorbjorn 12 days ago.
rise-scummvm.png (15.9 KB ) - added by eriktorbjorn 12 days ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (4)

by eriktorbjorn, 12 days ago

Attachment: rise-original.png added

by eriktorbjorn, 12 days ago

Attachment: rise-scummvm.png added

comment:1 by eriktorbjorn, 12 days ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:2 by mduggan, 12 days ago

Good catch, I used the existing Graphics::drawEllipse function and tweaked sizes to get the bounds of the main bubble correct, but I never tweaked the border. The code is in Dialog::drawType3 and Drawing::filledCircle in dgds.

I drew the filled circle using 2 circles - a filled one and a non-filled one, but that gives a "thin" border where diagonal jumps can exist. The original always draws a line with only up/across movements.

The size of the smaller circles also seems to be slightly off - I copied those numbers from the original but their algorithm is clearly slightly different so it could do with some adjustment

May need to reimplement the exact original drawing algorithm to make it perfect for all possible bounds values.

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