Opened 5 months ago

Last modified 5 months ago

#15369 new defect

SCUMM: MI (Sega MegaCD) - audio pops at the end of every SBL sound effect

Reported by: dwatteau Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: Engine: SCUMM
Version: Keywords: segacd, sega, audio
Cc: Game: Monkey Island 1


This happens with current Git HEAD, but AFAICS it's been this way for many years.

Whenever a sound effect is played in the SegaCD release of Monkey1, a "pop" sound can be heard at the end of it. It happens on all the systems I have tested.

I don't my game game resources have any problem, GAME.000 is the one in the detection tables, and GAME.001 even matches the BACKUP.001 that's included in the CD:

c13225cb1bbd3bc9fe578301696d8021  GAME.000
808f192970d39b0e9a7db0664b647372  GAME.001
808f192970d39b0e9a7db0664b647372  BACKUP.001

(The sound resources are *not* the Redbook audio CD tracks used for the background music.)

Running the original game with OpenEmu/GenesisPlusGX, I can confirm that the original game doesn't have this behavior.

Maybe there's something inaccurate in the way the SBL sound effects are handled for the SegaCD platform?

Change History (2)

comment:1 by dwatteau, 5 months ago

Ah, I forgot to give two quick examples

  1. At the front of the SCUMM bar, open/close the door multiple times
  2. Go in front of the Governor's Mansion. The dogs bark; it's easy to hear the sound effect pops every time

comment:2 by athrxx, 5 months ago

You can see it in sound.cpp, line 449 - 465. Apparently, it is just guesswork test code that was never finished.

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