Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #15358, comment 3

Sep 12, 2024, 4:19:50 AM (8 days ago)


  • Ticket #15358, comment 3

    initial v1  
    77If removing saving (and loading?) from Ctrl+F5 solves the problem, that seems like a no-brainer to me. Just do it.
    9 Being able to use ScummVM's save/load dialogs, though... don't get me wrong, I ''really'' like the original dialogs, but if I try to play a game on my phone they can be a bit fiddly to use. (Arguably many Sierra games are very phone-unfriendly to begin with, but sometimes I just want to listen to the music. Don't judge me!) I also seem to recall from my DOSBox days that the original dialogs having a much more limited number of save slots, but if so that can perhaps be dealt with?
     9Being able to use ScummVM's save/load dialogs, though... don't get me wrong, I ''really'' like the original dialogs, but if I try to play a game on my phone they can be a bit fiddly to use. (Arguably many Sierra games are very phone-unfriendly to begin with, but sometimes I just want to listen to the music. Don't judge me!) I also seem to recall from my DOSBox days that the original dialogs having a much more limited number of save slots, but if so that can perhaps be dealt with? (Perhaps it already has been?)