Opened 7 weeks ago

Closed 4 weeks ago

#15302 closed defect (fixed)

AGS: Running unknown games fails with path error

Reported by: tag2015 Owned by: antoniou79
Priority: normal Component: Engine: AGS
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game:

Description (last modified by tag2015)

After the merge of PR 5829, it is no longer possible to start unknown games that have been added using the fallback detection.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Find a game that is not in the detection tables, such as this testgame
  2. Add the game using the launcher, choose "add anyway"
  3. Try to run the game. It'll fail while attempting to load the resources reporting a garbage gamepath.

It should be noted, that the issue only happens for completely unknown games, variants (i.e. games that are in the detection tables, but with different checksum/size) can be run normally.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by tag2015, 7 weeks ago

After some quick debugging, it seems that the problem occurs when identifyGame calls fallbackDetect.
The fallbackDetectedGame struct should be initialized after fallbackDetect returns, but instead the filesDescriptions array contains garbage.

comment:2 by tag2015, 7 weeks ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:3 by tag2015, 6 weeks ago

Update: I can reproduce the problem using builbot daily builds for windows, but it works properly with my msys2 build using configure options

--disable-all-engines --enable-optimizations --enable-detection-full --enable-engine=ags,director

comment:4 by bluegr, 4 weeks ago

Owner: set to antoniou79
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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