Opened 3 months ago

Closed 2 months ago

#15285 closed defect (fixed)

TWP: Unable to exchange Willy's wallet

Reported by: apoikos Owned by: apoikos
Priority: normal Component: Engine: TWP
Version: Keywords:
Cc: apoikos Game: Thimbleweed Park

Description (last modified by apoikos)

I'm playing TWP (thanks and awesome btw!) (GOG/1.0.958) on a nightly build and have reached a kind of dead-end trying to swap Willy's wallet.

First off, only Ransome seems to be able to give the new wallet; Ray and Reyes only talk to Willy as long as they are not carrying the wallet - if they are, then they take no action at all (not saying anything either).

As for Ransome, when told to give the wallet to Willy, he walks and positions himself and then says "He is too far away". No matter how many times I try, the result is the same. Turning on debugging, it looks like Ransome is positioned just a split hair away from the minimal "give" distance:

Give 'ransomeWallet' to 'willie'
noun1.inInventory: YES and noun1.touchable: YES nowalk: NO
walk to obj willie: (1533.000000,91.000000)
walk to obj ransome: 1503.000000,91.000000, 1
Give 'ransomeWallet' to 'willie'
actor arrived with facing 1
call actorArrived callback
actorArrived: exec sentence
actorArrived: noun2 min_dist: 30.265491 > 30.000000 ?
translate(@30087): Willie
sayline: ransome, @24882
talking ransome audio stopped
Give 'ransomeWallet' to 'willie'
talking ransome: @24882
Load lip RANSOME_24882.lip
Lip RANSOME_24882.lip loaded
loadActorSpeech RANSOME_24882.ogg
talking ransome audio id: 250087, dur: 1821
sayLine 'He is too far away.'

The minimum "Give" distance is set to 30 and Ransome is positioned 30.27 away from Willy. I'm currently rebuilding scummvm with MIN_GIVE_DIST set to 40 to see if I can get unstuck.

I'm attaching a savegame with all three characters next to Willy so you can attempt to reproduce this.

Attachments (1)

twp.017 (499.1 KB ) - added by apoikos 3 months ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (5)

by apoikos, 3 months ago

Attachment: twp.017 added

comment:1 by apoikos, 3 months ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:2 by apoikos, 3 months ago

Bumping MIN_GIVE_DIST to 40 allows the game to continue.

comment:3 by tag2015, 3 months ago

Summary: [TWP] Unable to exchange Willy's walletTWP: Unable to exchange Willy's wallet

comment:4 by scemino, 2 months ago

Owner: changed from scemino to apoikos
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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