Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #15265, comment 5

Jul 15, 2024, 8:57:57 AM (2 months ago)


  • Ticket #15265, comment 5

    initial v1  
    33I originally thought that it was that "touching" the "Esc" button on the virtual keyboard would hide the virtual keyboard, but I've just tested that (on ScummVM 2.9 dev build, but I don't think we've changed virtual keyboard behavior since 2.8.1 at all) and the virtual keyboard is not being hidden. Furthermore, the key is set as repeatable so you can hold it "down" (aka keep touching on it) and it will skip cutscenes/animations etc, as long as the engine and game support skipping animations using Esc (or support a key mapping for this action that the user has set to Esc).
    5 Mapping actions to long touch events is not something we're currently considering, as it would break the current hardcoded differentiation of the long touch event based on the duration of touching (so that can be interpreted as either simple tap (left click), long tap (right click) and longer tap (middle click)). You are allowed however to map those touch events to a mappable action by using ScummVM's keymapper, although personally I wouldn't recommend mapping actions to left click or right click which are probably also used already for something else in a point and click adventure. But you can do it, as long as you're certain about it, and you can always revert to the default mapping anyway.
     5Mapping actions to long touch events is not something we're currently considering, as it would break the current hardcoded differentiation of the long touch event based on the duration of touching (so that can be interpreted as either simple tap (left click), long tap (right click) and longer tap (middle click)). You are allowed however to map those events (left click, right click, middle click) to a mappable action by using ScummVM's keymapper, although personally I wouldn't recommend mapping actions to left click or right click which are probably also used already for something else in a point and click adventure. But you ''can'' do it, as long as you're certain about it, and you can always revert to the default mapping anyway.
    77So, again, I am unsure what is asked here. It also seems to me that this is more of a "Feature Request" rather than a "Defect" but I'm still confused as to what is requested, that is not in the app already.