Opened 6 days ago

Closed 5 days ago

#15229 closed defect (fixed)

AGS: Wrong resolution in Robert Redford 3

Reported by: LittleAmpton Owned by: tag2015
Priority: normal Component: Engine: AGS
Version: Keywords: ags
Cc: Game:


Robert Redford 3 is detected as a low-resolution game when it is actually a 640x480 game. This renders the game unplayable as while the entire room is visible (albeit scaled down), the room hotspots aren't scaled (you can see that when you move the cursor to the bottom-right corner of the screen, the you're pointing at "Jail" which is in the middle of the screen).
This happens with the included "dream sequence" as well, but confirming this requires moving the dreamseq.ags file to separate folder - despite looking like a low-res game, the same issue appears.
Personally I'd recommend perhaps a way to switch the resolution in the game options for cases of faulty detection like this.

ScummVM version: ScummVM 2.9.0git5402-ge29dbecf626 (Jun 22 2024 23:29:13)
OS: Void Linux x86_64

Change History (3)

comment:1 by LittleAmpton, 6 days ago

As a heads-up: The game is somewhat NSFW.

comment:2 by tag2015, 5 days ago

Thanks for the report, I'll push a fix soon

comment:3 by tag2015, 5 days ago

Owner: set to tag2015
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

In 659ac079:

AGS: Fix legacy upscaler not being enabled in a few old games

Fixes misbehaving hotspots in RRSTD3, Norman Cooks and possibly others
Fix #15229

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