Opened 10 days ago

Last modified 10 days ago

#15210 new defect

GUI: GMM: Mouse cursor is offset when screen is shaking

Reported by: antoniou79 Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: GUI
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: King's Quest 4


This is tested on ScummVM 2.8.0 and a recent daily build from master HEAD 2.9.0git on Windows 10 x64.

The game used in testing is KQ4 Perils of Rosella (GOG version, English), SCI engine.

When Rosella falls off a cliff (or a significant height of stairs) the screen shakes up and down and it is game over.

If, while the screen is shaking, the user brings up the ScummVM GMM (Global Main Menu, typically with hotkey combo Ctrl+F5), then there is a chance that the mouse cursor will be offset with respect to activating the on-hover event for the buttons (and their on-click event).

See attached video for the example of the bug.

As shown in the video, it's not deterministic that the user will get the bug, but I am able to reproduce it with a certain high probability.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by antoniou79, 10 days ago

Youtube video showing the issue:

(I am unable to attach the mkv video here due to size limit)

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