Opened 9 days ago

Last modified 8 days ago

#15181 new defect

WII: BLADERUNNER: Crash when triggering the virtual keyboard twice

Reported by: dwatteau Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: Port: Wii
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Blade Runner


Current Git HEAD on the Wii port. I don't know if the issue is backend-related, or engine-related.

  1. Start a new game
  2. Skip the intros and videos
  3. Once the main character is playable, press the "Down" arrow twice on the Wiimote.

Expected behavior: the virtual keyboard should show up and then disappear, as happens in other games on this platform.

Observed behavior: ScummVM crashes, with the stacktrace attached below.

Attachments (1)

bladerunner-wii-crash-virtual-keyboard-twice.jpg (1.7 MB ) - added by dwatteau 9 days ago.
Stacktrace when the crash happens

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (2)

by dwatteau, 9 days ago

Stacktrace when the crash happens

comment:1 by antoniou79, 8 days ago

I haven't observed such behavior with Blade Runner and unfortunately I cannot make sense of the stack trace.

I don't have a Wii, but maybe I could try and replicate the issue on another platform? Is the virtual keyboard on Wii the one provided by ScummVM native or something special that the Wii port uses (ie. like the Android port uses a special keyboard, written on the Java side and specifically implemented for the port).

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