Opened 5 weeks ago

Closed 2 weeks ago

#15136 closed defect (duplicate)

KQ7 - CH2, Bad Walk

Reported by: ZombieRoxtar Owned by: sluicebox
Priority: low Component: Engine: SCI
Version: Keywords:
Cc: ZombieRoxtar Game: King's Quest 7


In Chapter 2, when Rosella walks walks across the room with the lava bridge from right to left, she walks across the top of the screen (as if floating above the river) and then walks down (clipping through some rock on the way).
ScummVM 2.2.0
I'll attach a GIF that shows it happening.

Attachments (3)

ezgif-2-b2ce669ea3.gif (1.5 MB ) - added by ZombieRoxtar 5 weeks ago.
vlcsnap1.png (236.7 KB ) - added by ZombieRoxtar 5 weeks ago.
GIF (Sped to 2x)
vlcsnap2.png (232.9 KB ) - added by ZombieRoxtar 5 weeks ago.
GIF (Sped to 2x)

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (6)

by ZombieRoxtar, 5 weeks ago

Attachment: ezgif-2-b2ce669ea3.gif added

by ZombieRoxtar, 5 weeks ago

Attachment: vlcsnap1.png added

GIF (Sped to 2x)

by ZombieRoxtar, 5 weeks ago

Attachment: vlcsnap2.png added

GIF (Sped to 2x)

comment:1 by antoniou79, 5 weeks ago

Could you attach a saved game of that point in the game so that we could test?

Also, have you tested with more recent version of ScummVM? Current stable release is 2.8.1 and you can find daily dev builds of 2.9.0git on our website.

comment:2 by tag2015, 4 weeks ago

I think this is another occurrence of the gitchy pathfinding reported in bug #9787

comment:3 by sluicebox, 2 weeks ago

Owner: set to sluicebox
Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

KQ7 is well known to have broken pathing in this room, by both speedrunners and us. It's broken in the original and in ScummVM, although differently, because of our pathfinding differences.

I think we can close this ticket as a duplicate because we're already aware and the other pathfinding tickets such as #9787 covers it.

The realistic path forward is that we someday implement Sierra's pathfinding algorithm instead of or own. (And then consider individual room patches/workarounds on top of that.) There are many obstacles to this path, so don't anyone hold their breath. That said, I have a plan.

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