Opened 9 months ago

Closed 9 months ago

#15132 closed defect (fixed)

ZVISION: Subtitles addon not showing in Zork Nemesis

Reported by: BLooperZ Owned by: antoniou79
Priority: normal Component: Engine: ZVision
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game:


It seems there is a regression in Zork Nemesis regarding the subtitles addon

Game installed from GOG with subtitles addon applied according to (under Subtitles support)

the subtitles show correctly in 2.8.1
however, with the latest daily build (2.9.0git4545-g4ddad9fcd53) the subtitles are missing.

The subtitles should appear few seconds into the intro video after pressing "new game", along with audio narration.


Change History (6)

comment:1 by eriktorbjorn, 9 months ago

I think what may have happened is that the ZVision engine has gotten a lot less tolerant about upper/lower case on files (or at least directories) listed in the index (.ZIX) files. At least on Linux I wasn't even able to get the GOG version to run without editing that. That's obviously not good!

(On the version I've had installed since forever, subtitles still work.)

Note for future debugging: When it failed to open files, it was supposed to open a file inside a directory archive. But apparently because of the case mismatch, it had decided that the archive wasn't a directory so it didn't even try to open it.

comment:2 by antoniou79, 9 months ago

I've opened a PR for this issue here:

As of yet, I am only able to test on Windows.

In my game's folder, I've just put the "Addon" folder from the patch (zip) into the game folder. Subtitles seem to now work for me (at least in the intro that I've tested).

comment:3 by eriktorbjorn, 9 months ago

The crash I saw under Linux is gone, and the subtitles work for me. Thanks! (Now we just need confirmation from BLooperZ too.)

comment:4 by BLooperZ, 9 months ago

Thank you, subtitles now work :)

comment:5 by antoniou79, 9 months ago

In 7b0718c6:

ZVISION: Fix addDir after 2.9.0 path changes

Also comparison is now ignoring case (uses equalsIgnoreCase)

This fix was required since, as reported in #15132, the subtitles addon (within a subfolder "Addon") would no longer work in ScummVM 2.9.0git. As far as I've tested, apart from the ignoreCase comparison, normalize() has to be applied at least on the iterator of the _dirList, since those paths end with a separator ("/").

comment:6 by antoniou79, 9 months ago

Owner: set to antoniou79
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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