Opened 6 weeks ago

#15122 new defect

WEB: Bug Tracker - Logging in redirects to homepage

Reported by: lwcorp Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: Web
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game:


Steps to reproduce

  1. Enter a ticket
  2. Click GitHub Login
    • If needed, log in to GitHub as well

Expected outcome
The ticket is refreshed to indicate you're logged in - so you proceed to modify the ticket, add a comment, etc.

Actual result

  1. It redirects you to the tracker's homepage
  2. You have to click Back to go back to the ticket
    • If you also had to log in to GitHub, you have to repeatedly click Back, and possibly tackle GitHub's attempts to redirect
  3. You have to manually refresh the ticket so make it know you're logged in

Change History (0)

Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.