Opened 11 months ago

Closed 9 months ago

Last modified 9 months ago

#14956 closed feature request (fixed)

Unknown game variant for gob

Reported by: laenion Owned by: BJNFNE
Priority: low Component: Engine: Gob
Version: Keywords: unknown-game
Cc: Game:


The game in 'Raumschiff' seems to be an unknown game variant.

Please report the following data to the ScummVM team at along with the name of the game you tried to add and its version, language, etc.:

Matched game IDs for the gob engine: adi5-win-de

{"adi5.stk", 0, "ec2d6a05d13bec1b4dcfa18d88e317c6", 627942},

This is the initial German big box release of Addy (which also doesn't include a Mac version). It seems to be version 5.01, see for a directory listing. (As always the base program is identical for all subjects & grades as long as they are the same version.)

Change History (10)

comment:1 by BJNFNE, 9 months ago

Owner: set to BJNFNE
Priority: normallow
Resolution: pending
Status: newpending

From where the version exactly come from?

BTW, currently we only collect these so called DEV7 games in our detection tables, they are actually not supported by ScummVM, due to the reason the use an newer version of the Engine and Script System which is not yet implemented.

comment:2 by BJNFNE, 9 months ago

could you also tell me about the version number of the main executable called Loader7.exe?

in reply to:  1 comment:3 by laenion, 9 months ago

I'm sorry for the outdated link, I've moved the educational games to another directory meanwhile. The file listing can be found in now.

Replying to BJNFNE:

From where the version exactly come from?

It says so on the Autostart screen ("ADDY5 5.01 installieren"), and the disc itself contains the (empty) file AexxD501.cd1.

The later 5.04 Hybrid Windows / Mac release additionally has the version number printed on the disc itself.

BTW, currently we only collect these so called DEV7 games in our detection tables, they are actually not supported by ScummVM, due to the reason the use an newer version of the Engine and Script System which is not yet implemented.

Yes, I'm aware of that - but I've seen that other variants were submitted already.

Replying to BJNFNE:

could you also tell me about the version number of the main executable called Loader7.exe?

It doesn't seem to have one. For the Keep Case release I can see "", but for the original box release I couldn't find any version information embedded in the binary.

To summarize: From what I can see so far there have been two 5.0 versions available in Germany:

Version 5.01 games were released in 2001 in a big box and only contained a Windows version.

In 2003 the games were re-released in Version 5.04. This time the packaging is a Keep Case, and the installation disc contains both Mac and Windows versions.

I should add that the 5.01 box claims that there would be Mac versions of the games available "from autumn 2001". However these two versions I just mentioned are the only ones I've seen so far.

Last edited 9 months ago by laenion (previous) (diff)

comment:5 by BJNFNE, 9 months ago

Your version of Adi 5 is now get detected from the latest Dailybuild from 4/5/2024

comment:6 by BJNFNE, 9 months ago

Status: pendingclosed

comment:7 by laenion, 9 months ago

I just noticed: You added the line

		_s("Missing game code"), // Addy 5 5.01 (Engine: DEV7 version

for the new entry. What I meant to say was that this version doesn't contain any version information. I was basically just confirming the existing other entry.

Sorry for the confusion!

comment:8 by BJNFNE, 9 months ago

but the xml file says it has an AexxD501.cd1 file on it, so it is an 5.01 Release, or do we speak about the DEV7 version?

Last edited 9 months ago by BJNFNE (previous) (diff)

comment:9 by laenion, 9 months ago

Oh dear, I'm sorry again: I was indeed speaking about the DEV7 version. From what I can see it should be

Engine: DEV7 version unknown

like for the other 5.01 Addy versions.

comment:10 by BJNFNE, 9 months ago

I have fixed it, its added to my next PR which i release in a few weeks, Thanks for the notice

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