Opened 13 months ago

Closed 9 months ago

#14866 closed defect (fixed)

ULTIMA8: Gumps are not closeable during Ancient Ones sequence

Reported by: OMGPizzaGuy Owned by: OMGPizzaGuy
Priority: normal Component: Engine: Ultima
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Ultima VIII: Pagan


When the Ancient Ones sequence at the shrine begins after placing the shield, the currently open gumps aren't closed. For example, the backpack stays open during the sequence.

From Pentagram ticket:

Change History (3)

comment:1 by OMGPizzaGuy, 13 months ago

Summary: Gumps aren't closed during Ancient Ones sequenceULTIMA8: Gumps aren't closed during Ancient Ones sequence

comment:2 by OMGPizzaGuy, 9 months ago

Summary: ULTIMA8: Gumps aren't closed during Ancient Ones sequenceULTIMA8: Gumps are not closeable during Ancient Ones sequence

Gumps also stay open in the original game for this cutscene. However in the original game, these gumps can be closed while avatar is in stasis.

comment:3 by OMGPizzaGuy, 9 months ago

Owner: set to OMGPizzaGuy
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

In dd6ab88c:

ULTIMA8: Allow close of container gumps when in stasis.
The Ancient Ones cutscene does not close gumps, and this behavior matches the original game. Fixes #14866

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