#14864 closed defect (fixed)

NANCY: Crashing in nancy3 maze on Android devices

Reported by: Drag-AndDrop Owned by: fracturehill
Priority: normal Component: Engine: Nancy
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Drag-AndDrop Game: Nancy Drew: Message in a Haunted Mansion


Hello! I am so thrilled to be able to play Nancy Drew Games on my android tablet thanks to scummvm!! Incredible work!!

I have successfully played through stay tuned for danger & message in a haunted mansion so far, and I noticed a bug in the later to report. Here are the following details, I hope it's helpful:

ScummVM version (scummvm -v): 2.8.0

Bug details, including step-by-step instructions to reproduce the bug:

In Nancy Drew: Message in a Haunted Mansion, during the Maze Mini game on the laptop in the library the scummvm program would crash. This happened about 10-11 times before I was able to successfully complete the mini game. The first time the crash occurred it didn't have an auto save file so I brought me back a little in the game but I knew going into the maze puzzle that crashing was a possibility so I manually saved before trying again. I eventually was able to complete the maze puzzle by going really quick and thankfully had a shorter autogenerated maze. The longer I was in the maze, the more likely it was that the game would crash.

I also had a minor issue (not in the maze) in the room where Rose is, I went to turn and my 'curser' got stuck and made me spin around the room in an endless loop. I was able to save/restart the game and thankfully when it reloaded I was no longer spinning.

These are the two bugs to report in the game, it was otherwise a smooth playthrough experience!

Language of game (English, German, ...): windows/english

Version of game (CD, Floppy, DOS, Amiga, ...): digital game from Herinteractives website directly

Your OS, including version and device if appropriate (Windows 10 build 1709 32-bit, Debian 9.2 x86_64, Android 7.0 on Samsung Galaxy S7, ...): Android 14 on a Google Pixel Tablet

Thankfully this wasn't a game breaking bug, but figured I'd report it in case it's helpful! Thanks again for making the Nancy Drew Games playable on android I'm so appreciative.

Andrea Drag

Change History (2)

comment:1 by fracturehill, 13 months ago

Owner: set to fracturehill
Priority: lownormal
Resolution: pending
Status: newpending
Summary: maze bug: ND message in a haunted mansionNANCY: Crashing in nancy3 maze on Android devices

Hi Andrea, thank you for the report!

The MHM maze is unfortunately the least optimized (and most complex) part of the entire engine, so I'm not that surprised it crashed on a mobile device. I'm planning to comb through that whole code section again soon, since there's another maze in Secret of the Scarlet Hand that's outputting at a larger resolution than the one in MHM (and will thus handle even worse on mobile/older computers). I will update this ticket after I make the relevant optimizations, so you'll know when you can test again for improvements.

As for the spin issue: the cursor getting locked in place is expected behavior, but having it stuck there and pressed down is definitely not. I haven't been testing much on mobile devices, so there might be some issue related to the touchscreen emulated mouse that I haven't noticed; I'll give it some more thorough testing soon.

comment:2 by fracturehill, 13 months ago

Resolution: pendingfixed
Status: pendingclosed

The maze crashes ended up being caused by two separate issues. One was in the movement code, but the other, more interesting one was caused by the floor/ceiling drawing code being broken (you may have noticed the floor sliding in a funny way when moving). I've pushed fixes for both to master, and my tests indicate that they both work correctly, so I'm closing this issue.

If you'd like to test them out yourself, you can do so by getting a daily build and sideloading it to your device. Please make sure to reopen this ticket if the crashes persist.

Daily builds: (use Android ARM 64 bits, ScummVM latest)

Instructions for how to install the daily build:

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