#14838 closed defect (fixed)

ULTIMA8: Crash on Mouse::moveDragging using Gamepad

Reported by: OMGPizzaGuy Owned by: OMGPizzaGuy
Priority: normal Component: Engine: Ultima
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Ultima VIII: Pagan


Version 2.8.0 - Reproduceable crash when dragging an item to the bottom of the screen using the virtual mouse from a gamepad. This does not appear to be reproduceable using a normal mouse.

The mouse y position can be 200 when using the virtual mouse and this allows the return of desktopGump->FindGump(mx, my) to be null. The fix is likely to handle the null, but it may need to instead ensure a gump is returned

Change History (1)

comment:1 by OMGPizzaGuy, 13 months ago

Owner: set to OMGPizzaGuy
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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