#14835 closed defect (fixed)

FREESCAPE: Dark Side sounds are not implemented

Reported by: neuromancer Owned by: neuromancer
Priority: high Component: Engine: Freescape
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Dark Side


Dark Side sounds for DOS, ZX and CPC are not implemented, but replaced by the DOS sounds of Driller (which can be very different for some of them). Amiga/Atari releases are not affected, since they include their own digital sound effects which can be played correctly.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by neuromancer, 13 months ago

Sounds effects for Dark Side in DOS are fully implemented. ZX and CPC are still not implemented.

comment:2 by neuromancer, 11 months ago

ZX sounds are implemented. It uses the PC speaker emulation to produce sound, which produce decent, but not perfect results. There are some fixes to do, but essentially this is done. CPC sounds are still not implement.

comment:3 by neuromancer, 11 months ago

Closing this one, since most of the systems are done already.

comment:4 by neuromancer, 11 months ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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