#14833 closed defect (fixed)

ULTIMA8: Page breaks in books do not work

Reported by: OMGPizzaGuy Owned by: wjp
Priority: normal Component: Engine: Ultima
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Ultima VIII: Pagan


Book located in jewelry box at MainActor::teleport 44 20130 23272 8
In original, the asterisk is interpreted as a page break.

Book Text:
There once was a story 'bout a demon named Fred...* Poor demonic force barely kept his minions fed...* Then one day while killin Pagan fools...* Up from the depths came some grumbling ghouls...* Growling that is, smellin bad, lookin mean...*

Change History (3)

comment:1 by wjp, 13 months ago

Slightly annoying that the asterisk is used as a line break on plaques (as you conveniently also mentioned in #14832), but this should do it: https://github.com/scummvm/scummvm/pull/5608

comment:3 by OMGPizzaGuy, 13 months ago

Owner: set to wjp
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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