#14832 closed defect (fixed)

ULTIMA8: Plaques do not properly center text

Reported by: OMGPizzaGuy Owned by: wjp
Priority: normal Component: Engine: Ultima
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Ultima VIII: Pagan


Text on plaques and other ReadableGump instances do not center text properly. Check "The Royal Hall" plaque in Central Tenebrae. This appears to be from an untrimmed space in the text "THE*ROYAL*HALL "

Change History (2)

comment:1 by wjp, 13 months ago

Checked this in dosbox by modifying plaque texts: for the purposes of centering, (one or more) spaces or %'s (tabs) at the beginning and end of each individual line are trimmed.

Combinations of spaces and %'s are not always all trimmed. It seems the algorithm is to strip spaces first and then strip tabs. (I doubt it matters to be fully faithful there though.)

On scrolls (and presumably other non-centered gumps), tabs at the beginning of a line are not stripped, but spaces are.

comment:2 by wjp, 13 months ago

Owner: set to wjp
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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