Opened 13 months ago

Closed 13 months ago

Last modified 13 months ago

#14804 closed defect (invalid)

SCI: Don't Lose Points for Not Freeing Launcelot in Camelot

Reported by: ArthurWalden Owned by: sluicebox
Priority: normal Component: Engine: SCI
Version: Keywords: Camelot, Launcelot, Lancelot, soul points, penalty
Cc: ArthurWalden Game: Conquests of Camelot


I am using ScummVM version 2.8.0.

In Conquests of Camelot, I have tried every way I can think to abandon Launcelot still frozen in the ice. The hintbook clearly says that you are supposed to lose 50 soul points for not freeing Launcelot, but every time I do so (teleported back across the frozen lake after giving the Ice Maiden the Crystal Heart), my score does not go down. I tried simply leaving the Palace through the doorway, waiting on the screen with the Bush of Flowers (not the close-up), and reciting the Message of the Rose on that same screen, and while I always got teleported across the lake, my score never went down.

I am playing the English GOG version of the game.

I running the game on Windows 11 Home, version 2H22.

Attachments (1)

camelot.019 (19.7 KB ) - added by ArthurWalden 13 months ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (3)

by ArthurWalden, 13 months ago

Attachment: camelot.019 added

comment:1 by sluicebox, 13 months ago

Owner: set to sluicebox
Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

You lose the points once you take the boat to Gaza.

(instance gazaVoyage of Script

	(method (changeState newState)
		(switch (= state newState)
				(gRmMusic play:)
				(ship setMotion: MoveTo 72 43 self)
				(if (not (IsFlag 65))
					(SetScore 0 2 -50)

comment:2 by ArthurWalden, 13 months ago

Thank you

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