#14620 closed defect (fixed)

Unknown game variant for sword1

Reported by: lokipo Owned by: AndywinXp
Priority: normal Component: Common
Version: Keywords: unknown-game
Cc: Game: Broken Sword 1


The game in 'Broken Sword 1 (CD, German)' seems to be an unknown game variant.

Please report the following data to the ScummVM team at https://bugs.scummvm.org/ along with the name of the game you tried to add and its version, language, etc.:

Matched game IDs for the sword1 engine: sword1-win-pl

{"clusters/scripts.clu", 0, "72b10193714e8c6e4daca51791c0db0c", 1087240},
{"clusters/swordres.rif", 0, "b0ae5a47aba74dc0acb3442d4c84b225", 58916},
{"clusters/text.clu", 0, "76f93f5feecc8915435105478f3c6615", 2705446},
{"intro.dxa", 0, "e27cd33593c08b66e8d20fbc40938789", 7397543},

Change History (5)

comment:1 by sev-, 17 months ago

Is it a modified version, or the DXAs files are right on the original CDs?

comment:2 by lokipo, 17 months ago

As far as I know, these are unmodified files.

comment:3 by AndywinXp, 16 months ago

Owner: set to AndywinXp
Resolution: fixed
Status: newpending

Indeed, these appear to come from this version of the game: https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B0013D9DQA/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1.

The one thing you should do is to put the DXA videos in a folder named "video". Then try using tomorrow's daily build and it should work correctly. Let me know...

comment:4 by lokipo, 16 months ago


tried the last build after moving the dxa-files, works a treat.

Thank you!

comment:5 by AndywinXp, 16 months ago

Status: pendingclosed
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