#14476 closed defect (invalid)

ZVISION: ZGI - crashes on Mac OS X PPC at Flood Control Dam #3

Reported by: johnpevensie Owned by: johnpevensie
Priority: normal Component: Engine: ZVision
Version: Keywords: PPC, crash
Cc: Game: Zork Grand Inquisitor


ScummVM 2.7.0
I have played Zork: Grand Inquisitor most of the way through on the PPC Mac version of ScummVM, but when I reach Flood Control Dam Number 3, when I attempt to view the dam and open it, ScummVM crashes with the following error message:
ERROR: Error loading animation ue1ea021.rlf
I am using the Windows English CD-ROM version with the latest patch, and I have attached a save game here at the site of the crash. I have not tested the game on any other platforms, let alone other big-endian platforms.
Mac OS X 10.4.11, PowerPC G4e

Attachments (1)

zgi-win.001 (18.4 KB ) - added by johnpevensie 16 months ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (4)

by johnpevensie, 16 months ago

Attachment: zgi-win.001 added

comment:1 by dwatteau, 16 months ago

Owner: set to dwatteau
Resolution: assigned
Status: newpending

Thanks for reporting this, I'll try having a look at this when time permits :)

comment:2 by PushmePullyu, 16 months ago

We should rule out file corruption first so we don't have to stumble around in the dark and risk being eaten by a grue.
Could you run the following in a terminal and post the resulting file as an attachment (warning: If you already have a file named "zgimd5.txt" in your home directory, it will be overwritten):

( cd '/path/to/zgi_data_dir' && find ./ -type f -exec openssl md5 -r -- {} \; ) | tee ~/zgimd5.txt

You will need to replace "/path/to/zgi_data_dir" with the location of your ZGI data directory (it can be found in ScummVM: Game Options->Paths->Game Path).
This will output a list of all ZGI files with their md5 hashes to the terminal and to "zgimd5.txt", which I can then compare against my copy of the game.

Additionally, the output of the following command in a terminal could prove useful:

( cd '/path/to/zgi_data_dir' && find ./ -type f -iname 'ue1ea021.rlf' -print -exec od -Ax -N8 -t x1z -- {} \; )

comment:3 by johnpevensie, 16 months ago

Owner: changed from dwatteau to johnpevensie
Resolution: assignedinvalid
Status: pendingclosed

It turned out this whole time there was no bug after all. I got this error because I copied the zgi_mx directory from an installation of the game on a Windows PC with the original executables, and the installer did not install everything. I re-copied the zgi_mx directory from the CD-ROMs and I am able to access Flood Control Dam #3 on my Macintosh. I think some of the files were corrupt as well.
Thank you all for your help, though.

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