#14421 closed defect (fixed)

HOF_CD unknown game variant

Reported by: zeolo Owned by: zeolo
Priority: normal Component: Engine: Kyra
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Kyrandia 2


this version of 'kyrianda2' is include in the cd-rom of 'kyrianda3'.

barcode: 5 028587 004599

Contenu du dossier :  D:\HOF_CD 

   Date     Heure   Attrib       Octets       Nom de Fichier           CRC32  
---------- -------- ------   ----------------  --------               -------    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R         12 193 192  ANYTALK.TLK             DD77FE10    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R            729 012  AUDIO.PAK               B61D40A0    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R            193 566  CAULDRON.PAK            A2C4D139    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R         47 343 685  CH1VOC.TLK              093E5009    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R            139 712  COST1_SH.PAK            CD889DDC    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R            102 872  COST2_SH.PAK            D9687773    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R             46 877  CRICKET.PAK             F6B205C6    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R            149 494  CROC.PAK                3B968AB3    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R            130 294  DOCK.PAK                469DEB39    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R            149 190  DRIVERS.PAK             FA0A1ACC    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R             52 516  FERRY.PAK               F3625A4C    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R             59 514  FILEDATA.FDT            A78FB6CE    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R            186 460  FISHER.PAK              335B1F44    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R            118 759  FLYTRAP.PAK             112C4B8E    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R             59 585  GNARL.PAK               FB7AF10C    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R            199 284  HOFCD.EXE               6ED635B7    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R            103 695  HOLE.PAK                1A39BB3C    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R             82 104  INHERB.PAK              2CAA4A5E    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R             83 413  INHOME.PAK              A06D17FC    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R                 33  INSTALL.BAT             72B98E98    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R            154 328  INTRODRV.PAK            268DFD30    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R          1 467 541  INTROGEN.PAK            7408B10A    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R          1 030 584  INTROTLK.PAK            0C474C4C    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R            409 039  INTROVOC.PAK            3F0AA299    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R            284 528  MAINDOS.EXE             5BF8540D    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R            281 216  MAINWIN.EXE             6C9D7FF5    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R            301 253  MISC_CPS.PAK            7D8430FC    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R             58 352  MISC_EMC.PAK            0836422C    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R             54 085  NEST.PAK                DE477844    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R            498 118  OTHER.PAK               D6CD3F6D    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R             40 754  OUTHERB.PAK             6C7747C5    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R            123 688  OUTHOME.PAK             DF770F92    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R            161 018  QUICK.PAK               8BBA1540    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R            125 146  RAT.PAK                 B9A80695    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R                 15  README.BAT              17C39F52    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R                813  README.TXT              280150D9    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R            217 996  SCORCH.PAK              AEB99E08    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R            126 460  SETUP.EXE               28CD8BEE    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R              4 087  SETUPENG.DIP            3BAC0351    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R              4 684  SETUPFRE.DIP            DD783881    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R              4 831  SETUPGER.DIP            8025D0D9    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R             73 612  SKULL.PAK               85C28D90    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R              3 188  SKY.EMC                 F492752E    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R              3 202  SKY.FMC                 6A2E835E    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R              3 236  SKY.GMC                 71DD9DD3    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R            163 425  SKY.PAK                 A3A0CB71    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R             77 112  SULFUR.PAK              6DA2336C    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R            771 890  TALKENG.PAK             05260833    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R            360 225  TALKFRE.PAK             714A2F98    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R            480 856  TALKGER.PAK             E046D8CF    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R                768  THANKS.COL              17865265    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R              7 768  THANKS.CPS              BB1F6DC6    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R             33 425  TIMBER.PAK              85A5C581    
16/10/1994 19:05:00 -----R          1 958 925  VOC.PAK                 8320FE04    
                                   71 409 425  54 Fichiers

Attachments (1)

20230418211305.png (24.6 KB ) - added by zeolo 22 months ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (6)

by zeolo, 22 months ago

Attachment: 20230418211305.png added

comment:1 by zeolo, 22 months ago

Priority: lownormal

comment:2 by athrxx, 22 months ago

This seems to be the interactive HOF-CD demo. We do support that (but apparently not the exact version that you have). Unfortunately, your error dialog shows only the md5 for 'VOC.PAK'. Instead, it would need the one for 'THANKS.CPS'.

I'll try to investigate why the dialog does not make a proposal for the correct file.

comment:3 by zeolo, 22 months ago

Sorry, may be is because i didnt' put the file 'THANKS.CPS' in the folder because is not wrote as Required data files in the wiki. i will try again tomorrow , and give you the result.

comment:4 by zeolo, 22 months ago

Yes , this is my error, with the full folder , this is working good now
Sorry for the disturb !!!

comment:5 by zeolo, 22 months ago

Owner: set to zeolo
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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