Opened 2 years ago

Closed 2 years ago

#14294 closed defect (fixed)

TWINE: Demo crashes on launch

Reported by: antoniou79 Owned by: mgerhardy
Priority: normal Component: Engine: TwinE
Version: Keywords: crash, assertion fault
Cc: Game: Little Big Adventure


The Little Big Adventure that is uploaded on the ScummVM site, crashes on launch.
Link to demo:

Detection and adding it to ScummVM seem to work fine.

I tried with a local build of 2.8git on Windows 10 x64, from current master HEAD.

The error that is output on the console window is:

Assertion failed: _pos <= _end, file common/stream.cpp, line 265

I will try debugging with Visual Studio to see if more details come up.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by antoniou79, 2 years ago

back trace when debugging with Visual Studio 2022:

comment:2 by mgerhardy, 2 years ago

Thanks a lot for the report. Fixed in 7bb3f88086dd7b90b462765c087dc777f89804a9

comment:3 by mgerhardy, 2 years ago

Owner: set to mgerhardy
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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