Opened 3 years ago

Closed 22 months ago

#13780 closed defect (fixed)

AGS: Bmail and Rosa's website are empty in Blackwell Convergence

Reported by: maxigaz Owned by: tag2015
Priority: normal Component: Engine: AGS
Version: Keywords: ags blackwell
Cc: Game:


In Blackwell Convergence, in Rosa's home, the computer doesn't display the in-game Email client (labelled Bmail) or Rosa's website correctly. In both cases, where the webpage should be seen, everything is solid white. (See the attached screenshot.) This prevents me from being able to complete the game.

The in-game search engine is displayed correctly, though.

To reproduce:

  1. Complete the first case or load the attached save file.
  2. Click on Computer.
  3. Click on the icons Email or Browser, or, once the browser is open, click on the bookmarks Bmail or Rosa.

The original GOG Linux version of the game doesn't have this issue.

Tested in both ScummVM 2.6.0 and ScummVM 2.7.0git (Aug 14 2022 10:07:57), under Arch Linux, with the GOG Linux version of BlackWell Convergence.

Attachments (2)

scummvm-blackwell3-2022-08-14_19-23-01.png (69.5 KB ) - added by maxigaz 3 years ago.
blackwell3.001 (209.9 KB ) - added by maxigaz 3 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (7)

by maxigaz, 3 years ago

Attachment: blackwell3.001 added

comment:1 by aquadran, 2 years ago

Summary: Bmail and Rosa's website are empty in Blackwell ConvergenceAGS: Bmail and Rosa's website are empty in Blackwell Convergence

comment:2 by ProtoGitCell, 2 years ago

I can confirm the bug with ScummVM under Android as well.

comment:3 by tag2015, 2 years ago

The relative upstream fix was merged, this issue should be solved in 2.8.0 daily builds.

comment:4 by tag2015, 22 months ago

Completed a full playthrough (which requires using the email/browser multiple times) using latest git and saw no issues at all.


comment:5 by tag2015, 22 months ago

Owner: set to tag2015
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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