Opened 3 years ago

Closed 3 years ago

#13738 closed defect (fixed)

AGS game titles detection 07-30

Reported by: FredPJ Owned by: tag2015
Priority: normal Component: Engine: AGS
Version: Keywords: AGS, detection
Cc: Game:


Hi, here are some current versions of AGS games that aren't correctly detected in the current daily build:

If On A Winter's Night Four Travelers - Steam
Matched game IDs for the ags engine: ioawn4t

{"ioawn4t.exe", 0, "11bd8123982f9442f372ed5defc88b50", 888897420},

Sumatra Fate of Yandi - Steam
Matched game IDs for the ags engine: sumatra

{"sumatra fate of yandi.exe", 0, "b4407ac542f316456f549fc8a60dccae", 170634789},

Billy Masters Was Right -
Matched game IDs for the ags engine: billymasterswasright

{"Billy Masters Was Right.exe", 0, "30327f199fa3765a9d854813d65cc680", 47727073},

The Blackwell Legacy - GOG
Matched game IDs for the ags engine: blackwell1

{"Blackwell Legacy.exe", 0, "92af7315126c6da1e9e0c641cd9df200", 67337164},

Technobabylon - GOG
Matched game IDs for the ags engine: technobabylon

{"technobabylon.exe", 0, "83cd1ad574bcfffe1b11504a32402b1e", 448796372},

Shardlight - GOG
Matched game IDs for the ags engine: shardlight

{"shardlight.exe", 0, "cc447656f408ac32e8443274c3f70c67", 643461930},

Change History (1)

comment:1 by criezy, 3 years ago

Owner: set to tag2015
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Added in 0fa22e7bab. Thanks.

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