Opened 3 years ago

Closed 3 years ago

#13674 closed defect (fixed)

SCI: LONGBOW: Hedge Maze Audio Cuts Off

Reported by: darkmage0707077 Owned by: sluicebox
Priority: normal Component: Engine: SCI
Version: Keywords:
Cc: darkmage0707077 Game: Conquests of the Longbow

Description (last modified by darkmage0707077)

Audio plays fine when you first enter the hedge maze, but if you move to any other screen, it is very likely that the audio will simply cut off.

It will continue past screen transition on rare occasions, but every screen change caries the chance of cut-off. This occurs no matter when or where Robin enters the maze from.

Tested and confirmed on both GOG ScummVM (2.0.0) and latest standalone release (2.5.1).

Language: English
Windows 10 64-bit
Version: GOG standard

Attachments (1)

longbow.001 (41.4 KB ) - added by darkmage0707077 3 years ago.
Save game from just before entering hedge maze

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (4)

by darkmage0707077, 3 years ago

Attachment: longbow.001 added

Save game from just before entering hedge maze

comment:1 by darkmage0707077, 3 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:2 by antoniou79, 3 years ago

Component: AudioEngine: SCI
Summary: LONGBOW: Hedge Maze Audio Cuts OffSCI: LONGBOW: Hedge Maze Audio Cuts Off

comment:3 by sluicebox, 3 years ago

Owner: set to sluicebox
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Thank you for reporting this! I noticed this a few years ago but had trouble reproducing it.

This is a script bug that would have also occurred in the original if it were able to load the next maze room in under half a second. That's why it doesn't happen consistently and also why it's easier to reproduce now on faster computers.

Fixed in:

This fix will appear in the next daily development build.

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