Opened 2 years ago

Closed 2 years ago

#13633 closed defect (fixed)

CHEWY: missing sound effects

Reported by: afreickmann Owned by: bluegr
Priority: normal Component: Engine: Chewy
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Chewy: ESC from F5

Description (last modified by afreickmann)

Getting the information from the INH_TAP.TXT file (listing of DETAILS.TAP), as I don't know how to open TAP files, I can't further help here. Stopped after F5 with this task as it also is the end of the list from INH_TAP, I assume after here all sound effects are recycled. If I notice any other, I will mention it in the comments.

slime.voc (0) - the dropping slime sound, but the animation is missing anyway (#13509)
boing.voc (4) - when you grab the slime (guess)
tilt.voc (3) - sounds for Chewy unconcious effect (guess)
Reference sounds for all three:

outside cell:
elektr1.voc (13) - sound of cables

Borx on grid:
treffer1.voc (11) - sound when Borx is zapping Chewy (guess)
grilbor.voc (19) - sound when Borx get roasted
f5sfx052.voc (8) - when Chewy falls on grid (guess)

probe room:
f5sfx038.voc (7) - machine opening flap
f5sfx023.voc (18) - sound for pistole shoot

after grid:
bleep.voc (12) - putting card in card slot
door1.voc (20) - door opening sound
elektr1.voc - for electric grid

F5 floor:
f5sfx032.voc (23) - activating boca bola machine
bocabola2.voc (1) - boca bola machine sound
f5sfx030.voc (24) - probe repairing boca bola machine
bocabola.voc (22) - sound from boca bola spilling

room before torture room:
f5sfx042.voc (37) - turn the lever for monitor
f5sfx008.voc - door bell (guess)
scratch.voc (27) - squeak sound of Chewy running away from door
borxfx04.voc (30) - Borx sound (guess)
f5sfx001.voc (25) - door closing
f5sfx067.voc (26) - Chewy mocks Borx
borxfx05.voc (31) - Borx angry (guess)
Piff.voc (6) - sandwich throwing (guess)

torture room:
f5sfx047.voc (38) - Torture machine sound
f5sfx007.voc (15) - torture button (guess)
f5sfx052.voc - when Chewy touches the hot coal (guess)
f5sfx067.voc - when Chewy touches the hot coal (guess)
Piff.voc - when Chewy touches the hot coal (guess)
bocabola2.voc - Chewy put hand in water (guess)
Piff.voc - Chewy throws plaster
slime.voc - plaster hits nemoyan
boing.voc - mask falls to ground

push button:
Piff.voc - chewy takes the flatten borx
f5sfx067.voc - chewy shows off the borx carpet

energy0.voc (40) - transformer activated
f5sfx049.voc (41) - transformer beaming
borxfx05.voc - borx sound (guess)

conveyer belt:
f5sfx028.voc (44) - conveyer belt sound
f5sfx032.voc (45) - conveyer scanner

f5sfx031.voc (47) - opening glider
f5sfx056.voc (51) - activating glider (guess)

service tunnel:
f5sfx028.voc (44) - when using the grating where you meet the surimy (guess)
???? - opening the grating
boing.voc - opening the grating
Surimy1.voc (54) - surimy before fart
Surimy2.voc (55) - surimy farting
plop.voc (39) - fart plopping
Surimy3.voc (56) - surimy jumping away? (guess)

spider tunnel:
unknown, maybe newenerg.voc (53) - its the background noise, sounds electric, also a loop
f5sfx048.voc (49) - spider shooting
kuckuc.voc (2) - when chewy is hit by spider

cyber0.voc (50) - when putting the cyber crystals together (one and two)

command center f5:
f5sfx056.voc (51) - when loading coordinates

Change History (3)

comment:1 by afreickmann, 2 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:2 by afreickmann, 2 years ago

chicken farm:

  • snorring dog
  • barking dog

small town:

  • police man opening the phone box for booth (squeak sound + plopp)
  • police man stick sound (zish sound)
  • explosion of mr pumpkinhead (explosion sound, i guess its f5sfx048.voc (same sound as crashing into spider)
  • popp sound when chewy removes pumpkin head
  • at night: chirr sound for its totally silent
  • watering the plant (Piff.voc and I think one of the bocabola water sounds like bocabola2.voc)

big city:

  • the whole fight scene
  • taxi driver lower window (sounds more like a suitcase opener)
  • taxi engine sound
  • chewing gum boy popping gum
  • chewing gum boy splashing water into your face
  • bugs making buzz sound
  • harbour fight scene sounds missing

tv studio:

  • fire alarm


  • grammophon scratching
  • snorring tiger
  • vine sound
  • cut gum tree
  • gum tree bleeding (slime.voc)

lost valley:

  • water atmo at hermit house
  • splash sound for piranhas
  • shoot sound of pyramid robbers
  • Kong stomping sound

-back in big city:

  • laser sounds
  • probe makes same sounds as the very first eye bot on f5

secret base:

  • middle part on the mine track, the rolling sound is missing
  • factory machine atmo sound missing in base
  • moving mini chewies
  • toilet flush missing when killing borx
  • activating the force shield
  • probe sound
  • probe zapping chewie
  • probe getting splashed with slime
  • start of the secret base from hideout (

comment:3 by bluegr, 2 years ago

Owner: set to bluegr
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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