Opened 3 years ago

Closed 3 years ago

#13579 closed defect (fixed)

ASYLUM: Hot key inconsistencies

Reported by: antoniou79 Owned by: alxpnv
Priority: normal Component: Engine: Asylum
Version: Keywords: inventory, version
Cc: Game: Sanitarium


This is tested with a recent build for 2.7.0git (HEAD from master) on Windows 10 x64.

There are a couple of hotkeys that don't seem to work or use different default keys than documented in the manual.

My observations from playing the early minutes of the game are these:

  • "v" key for displaying game version does not seem to work. This is mentioned in the Main Menu -> Keyboard Configuration, and also on the ScummVM GMM keymap tab.
  • the "I" key does not seem to work for displaying the game's inventory. This is mentioned on the game's manual (see attached screenshot). Instead, the middle mouse button seems to be mapped to inventory (along with left-clicking on the character, which is mentioned on the manual). There is no way to remap this key using the keymapper -- it is also not mentioned in the in-game Main Menu -> Keyboard Configuration.
  • The "M" key seems to enable some debug mode that allows the main character to teleport anywhere -- which may cause him to get stuck in place without a path to movee and would require using this teleporting again. Is this a debug feature left in intentionally? Maybe it could enabled specifically with a checkbox from ScummVM's Game Options?
  • Some other keys seem to cause idle talk from the main character. These are from what I've tested: "q", "w", "r", "t", "y", "u", "p", "z", "x". Is this intented?

I wasn't able to test the 's','g','o' keys to switch forms since this happens far later in the game.

Attachments (1)

SanitariumManualKeyshortcuts.png (241.6 KB ) - added by antoniou79 3 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (6)

by antoniou79, 3 years ago

in reply to:  description comment:1 by alxpnv, 3 years ago

Replying to antoniou79:

This is tested with a recent build for 2.7.0git (HEAD from master) on Windows 10 x64.

There are a couple of hotkeys that don't seem to work or use different default keys than documented in the manual.

My observations from playing the early minutes of the game are these:

  • "v" key for displaying game version does not seem to work. This is mentioned in the Main Menu -> Keyboard Configuration, and also on the ScummVM GMM keymap tab.


  • the "I" key does not seem to work for displaying the game's inventory. This is mentioned on the game's manual (see attached screenshot). Instead, the middle mouse button seems to be mapped to inventory (along with left-clicking on the character, which is mentioned on the manual). There is no way to remap this key using the keymapper -- it is also not mentioned in the in-game Main Menu -> Keyboard Configuration.

Added "I" to the key map.

  • The "M" key seems to enable some debug mode that allows the main character to teleport anywhere -- which may cause him to get stuck in place without a path to movee and would require using this teleporting again. Is this a debug feature left in intentionally? Maybe it could enabled specifically with a checkbox from ScummVM's Game Options?

I added this to help a tester to track down some issue, so it can be removed safely. One still can toggle use_scrolling variable in the debugger to enter this mode.

  • Some other keys seem to cause idle talk from the main character. These are from what I've tested: "q", "w", "r", "t", "y", "u", "p", "z", "x". Is this intented?

These also present in the original game (no idea for what purpose).

I wasn't able to test the 's','g','o' keys to switch forms since this happens far later in the game.

These are only for Chapter 9 ("The Gauntlet") and should work as expected. You may want to use scene debug command to quickly jump to this level (scene 13).

comment:2 by antoniou79, 3 years ago

I've just tested after the changes. Works great! Thank you.

in reply to:  2 comment:3 by alxpnv, 3 years ago

Replying to antoniou79:

I've just tested after the changes. Works great! Thank you.

Do you think these changes should also be backported to -2-6?

comment:4 by antoniou79, 3 years ago

I am in favor of that, yes.

comment:5 by alxpnv, 3 years ago

Owner: set to alxpnv
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Done. Thanks for the report

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