Opened 3 years ago
Closed 3 years ago
#13483 closed defect (fixed)
SCUMM: Mac version of Let's Explore the Farm with Buzzy not detected
Reported by: | eisnerguy1 | Owned by: | antoniou79 |
Priority: | normal | Component: | Engine: SCUMM |
Version: | Keywords: | detection | |
Cc: | Game: |
Description (last modified by )
I'm running this versions on macOS 10.14.6:
ScummVM 2.6.0git5785-g2a36aef83c9 (May 14 2022 04:29:14)
I had an issue with ScummVM not detecting the Mac version of Let's Explore the Farm with Buzzy.
If I try a Mass Add and select the mounted disc, ScummVM only recognizes the various Mac & Windows demos as well as the Windows version of "Let's Explore the Farm with Buzzy". If I try to change the game file path in ScummVM Preferences, and point to the Mac files, ScummVM can't find any files.
Here are the files that the Mac version has:
- The Farm
- The Farm (0)
- The Farm (1)
- The Farm (2)
- The Farm (4)
- The Farm (9)
I posted about it on the ScummVM forums
Praetorian had this to say:
Looking again at the "engines/scumm/detection_tables.h" file, the entries for Airport and Jungle (full game) for Macintosh look like this: { "airport", "The AirPort", kGenHEMac, UNK_LANG, Common::kPlatformMacintosh, 0 }, ... { "jungle", "The Jungle", kGenHEMac, UNK_LANG, Common::kPlatformMacintosh, 0 }, while the entry for Farm looks like: { "farm", "farm", kGenHEMac, UNK_LANG, Common::kPlatformMacintosh, 0 },"
Their suggestion was to do this:
So the idea is to change the second "farm" value (which is the "pattern" field) to "The Farm" for this entry, rebuild scummvm and check what happens. This is kind of similar to the previous suggestion though. The only difference is that now I'm matching the capitalization also, which I am not sure if it's the case, but the check could be case sensitive. If you cannot rebuild scummvm, then do what I suggested originally, but rename the files for farm to lowercase to match the existing "farm" pattern in detection_tables.h, so: farm, farm (0), farm (1) and so on.
Per their suggestion, I ran ScummVM using this command while trying to add this game:
./scummvm -d3 --debugflags=DETECTION --debug-channels-only
Here's what happened before I changed the file names:
attachment:"Let's Explore the Farm with Buzzy.-Ignored.txt"
And here's what happened afterwards:
attachment:"Let's Explore the Farm with Buzzy Mac-Added.txt"
After trying to run the game, ScummVM complains about not being able to find "The Farm (9)". There's no Terminal output mentioning this though. The game seems to run ok so far.
I renamed these files:
- The Farm
- The Farm (0)
- The Farm (1)
- The Farm (2)
- The Farm (4)
- The Farm (9)
to this:
- farm
- farm (0)
- farm (1)
- farm (2)
- farm (4)
- farm (9)
Here's the game's entry in the "ScummVM Preferences" file:
[farm-mac] filtering=false scaler=normal engineid=scumm platform=macintosh music_driver=auto vsync=true scale_factor=2 savepath=/Users/eisnerguy1/Documents/ScummVM Savegames/Humongous/Buzzy - Let's Explore/Let's Explore the Farm with Buzzy subtitles=false opl_driver=auto aspect_ratio=false guioptions=sndNoMIDI launchNoLoad noAspect lang_English fullscreen=false description=Let's Explore the Farm with Buzzy (Macintosh/English) path=/Applications/ScummVM/Games/Humongous/Buzzy - Let's Explore/Let's Explore the Farm with Buzzy/Game Files gameid=farm language=en talkspeed=85 stretch_mode=pixel-perfect speech_mute=false
Attachments (6)
Change History (22)
by , 3 years ago
Attachment: | The Farm Disc.png added |
comment:1 by , 3 years ago
Description: | modified (diff) |
by , 3 years ago
comment:2 by , 3 years ago
Description: | modified (diff) |
by , 3 years ago
Attachment: | Not Found.png added |
comment:3 by , 3 years ago
Description: | modified (diff) |
comment:4 by , 3 years ago
Description: | modified (diff) |
by , 3 years ago
Attachment: | Let's Explore the Farm with Buzzy.-Ignored.txt added |
by , 3 years ago
Attachment: | Let's Explore the Farm with Buzzy Mac-Added.txt added |
comment:5 by , 3 years ago
Description: | modified (diff) |
comment:6 by , 3 years ago
Description: | modified (diff) |
by , 3 years ago
Attachment: | The Farm (9) Error.png added |
comment:7 by , 3 years ago
Description: | modified (diff) |
comment:8 by , 3 years ago
Description: | modified (diff) |
comment:9 by , 3 years ago
Description: | modified (diff) |
follow-up: 12 comment:11 by , 3 years ago
I opened a PR to fix this here:
comment:12 by , 3 years ago
Replying to antoniou79:
I opened a PR to fix this here:
Thanks! I really appreciate the help with this!
comment:13 by , 3 years ago
Component: | --Unset-- → Engine: SCUMM |
Keywords: | detection added |
Summary: | ScummVM unable to detect Mac version of Let's Explore the Farm with Buzzy → SCUMM: Mac version of Let's Explore the Farm with Buzzy not detected |
follow-up: 15 comment:14 by , 3 years ago
Which version is this?
The files in the original version are named "farm", which was shipped in a hybrid PC/Mac CD. Have you purchased this version from Humongous or Steam? If yes, we may need to rename the detection entry.
comment:15 by , 3 years ago
Replying to bluegr:
Which version is this?
The files in the original version are named "farm", which was shipped in a hybrid PC/Mac CD. Have you purchased this version from Humongous or Steam? If yes, we may need to rename the detection entry.
To reiterate part of my original message, this is the Mac version from 1995. I sourced the files from a disc image I made from the original CD.
The US/English Mac files are named this:
- The Farm
- The Farm (0)
- The Farm (1)
- The Farm (2)
- The Farm (4)
- The Farm (9)
comment:16 by , 3 years ago
Owner: | set to |
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | new → closed |
The PR has been merged, so this can be closed now. Thanks!
It's good news that detection eventually worked with renaming the files.
This means that if we change the detection entry in engines/scumm/detection_tables.h from
then the files' renaming workaround won't be needed, and you also won't get the warning about the missing resource file.
However, the original entry was introduced by this commit:
which mentions that it was done to support a Dutch Mac version of the game. We should be careful not to break support for that version by fixing this.
So, ideally someone could provide info about the name pattern in that Dutch version for Mac. Was it actually "farm *" or was this an error with that commit and it's "The Farm *" as well?