Opened 3 years ago

Closed 20 months ago

#13297 closed defect (fixed)

DIRECTOR: Star Trek The Next Generation Technical Manual crash with a Lingo error.

Reported by: jamie-marchant Owned by: jamie-marchant
Priority: normal Component: Engine: Director
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game:

Description (last modified by jamie-marchant)

Star Trek The Next Generation Interactive Technical Manual crashes with a Lingo error.

Terminal output:
WARNING: SearchSet::add: archive '/home/owner/scummvmGames/MMD' already present!
Starting v400 Director game
WARNING: Could not find classicmacfonts.dat. Falling back to built-in fonts!
WARNING: Lingo Inited!
WARNING: PJ93 projector flags: 00000000!
WARNING: mmap: version: 0!
WARNING: RIFX: type: MV93!
WARNING: mmap: version: 0!
WARNING: Movie is from later version v404!
Switching to Director v404
Reloading builtins
STUB: Unhandled 'Sord' resource
WARNING: STUB: Score::loadFrames. frame1Offset: 14 numFrames: 0 version: 4 spriteRecordSize: 14 numChannels: 32 numChannelsDisplayed: 30!
-- "here's gResumeList:0300000W.TXT"
-- "here's gSoundSetting:1"
-- "here's gRunFromCD:0"
-- "here's gLowMemFlag:0"
WARNING: b_alert(Your NCC1701D.INI is missing or damaged. It needs to be in the same folder as your NCC1701D.EXE file. You may need to re-install this program in order to execute it from your hard drive. Please see the READ ME file on this CD.)!
WARNING: dropping return value!
WARNING: varFetch: variable mReadFile not found!
WARNING: BUILDBOT: Uncaught Lingo error: Call to undefined handler 'tempObj'. Dropping 1 stack items!

This is on a daily build from 06/17/2022.

Change History (8)

comment:1 by aquadran, 3 years ago

Summary: Star Trek The Next Generation Technical Manual says 'NCC1701D.INI' is missing or currptDIRECTOR: Star Trek The Next Generation Technical Manual says 'NCC1701D.INI' is missing or currpt

comment:2 by jamie-marchant, 3 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
Summary: DIRECTOR: Star Trek The Next Generation Technical Manual says 'NCC1701D.INI' is missing or currptDIRECTOR: Star Trek The Next Generation Technical Manual crash with a Lingo error.

Anyone know do I need to put stuff in a different place then it is on the CD?

comment:3 by jamie-marchant, 2 years ago

This is still happening in a 08/21/2022 build.

comment:4 by rvanlaar, 2 years ago

Improvements have been made on this game.
This specific error has been fixed with:

The game will now start, but expect weird visual bugs.

comment:5 by jamie-marchant, 2 years ago

I can confirm the game does now start. Did you file a new bug report for the graphical issues?

(Really excited about this, one, it's hard to get the game to run on anything newer then Windows 3.1)

comment:6 by rvanlaar, 2 years ago

Nice to hear the about the excitement.

Regarding the bugs. I don't file them myself when I'm working on supporting game.*
Don't let that stop you from filing them yourself though.

If you're interested in following the development for Director games more closely, then you're welcome to join our discord server.

*Filing bugs for a game that is this broken would mean significant overhead in managing the tickets. Time that I would rather spend on fixing issues.

comment:7 by jamie-marchant, 20 months ago

Sorry I am very busy man. This program no longer crashes in the latest daily build. It does need Quicktime VR support to work and that does not seem to be implemented yet.

comment:8 by jamie-marchant, 20 months ago

Owner: set to jamie-marchant
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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