Opened 3 years ago

Closed 2 years ago

#13199 closed defect (fixed)

HADESCH: Unknown game variant for hadesch

Reported by: laenion Owned by: phcoder
Priority: normal Component: Engine: Hadesch
Version: Keywords: unknown-game
Cc: Game: Hades Challenge


It seems I got a different version of the Hades Challenge disc: This is the big box US release. The disc is detected as

Matched game IDs for the hadesch engine: hadesch-ru

{"setup.exe", 0, "d351ff496642f0dbf7547e206a34dba1", 44928},
{"ol.pod", 0, "7cabba8d1d4f1239e312e045ef4e9735", 5621074},

and - when mounting the HFS part - as

Matched game IDs for the hadesch engine: hadesch

{"WD.POD", 0, "be7030fc4229e69e719ee2c756eb6ba1", 7479768}, ADGF_MACRESFORK,
{"Hades Challenge PPC", 0, "c7213a365a3cab7e9f2b423fa4a204f5", 1724646}, ADGF_MACRESFORK,
{"ol.pod", 0, "7cabba8d1d4f1239e312e045ef4e9735", 5621074}, ADGF_MACRESFORK,

For a full listing of the ISO9660 part see and for the HFS part.

I should add that neither version works out of the box even when adding these entries: For the Mac version it still seems to be looking for a file called hadesch.exe, and for the Windows version it should probably look for the files of the English version?

Change History (2)

comment:1 by aquadran, 3 years ago

Summary: Unknown game variant for hadeschHADESCH: Unknown game variant for hadesch

comment:2 by phcoder, 2 years ago

Owner: set to phcoder
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

I added the support for this version. PPC part was already supported but you have lost your resource fork and hence it was not recognized. Thank you for your bug report

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