Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Ticket #12914

09/29/21 04:44:14 (3 years ago)

Syncing from games to ScummVM's GMM is deliberately not supported. Too many games call the same script methods the volume sliders call to, for example, reduce music and/or sfx volumes during cutscenes when speech is being played. Or tend to set the volume to "defaults" when a new game is started. In the end I had to keep them separate, and the final volume is a combination of the ScummVM GMM volume controls and the in-game volume settings.

I'll have a further look at the first point.


  • Ticket #12914 – Description

    v2 v3  
    33Here are the issues I've noticed:
    44- The in-game sound volume controls which show up when putting the mouse cursor at the top of the screen do not seem to affect sound. There are two volume controls there, labelled "music" and "sound", and none of them affects sound (steps, ambient sound). However, I was not able to test them affecting music volume, since during intro when music is played, this in-game panel is not available.
    5 - Setting the volume from the in-game controls is also not synched with any of ScummVM's own GMM sound options.
     5- ~~Setting the volume from the in-game controls is also not synched with any of ScummVM's own GMM sound options.~~
    66- ~~Setting volume from the GMM, affects in-game sound only when changing the SFX volume. This affects both steps sound and ambient sound. The music (playing during intro) is not affected when changing music volume from GMM.~~ Edit: This seems to be fixed by