Opened 4 years ago

Closed 3 years ago

#12819 closed defect (invalid)

Conquest of Camelot in game graphics issues.

Reported by: RogerW123 Owned by: sluicebox
Priority: normal Component: Engine: SCI
Version: Keywords: screen draw defect
Cc: Game: Conquests of Camelot


Virtually every scene in the game has an in-game border drawn around it. And this border seems to have many issues with how it is drawn. Sometimes there are colored pixels where there should be black ones and with other scenes the main room screen will be drawn over the border by just a pixel or two. These issues can be seen in practically every scene in the game. The attached screen shot show 3 such issues...

Attachments (2)

Camelot.png (37.3 KB ) - added by RogerW123 4 years ago.
camelot.jpg (272.1 KB ) - added by m-kiewitz 3 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (7)

by RogerW123, 4 years ago

Attachment: Camelot.png added

comment:1 by sluicebox, 3 years ago

Each Camelot room border is part of the room's own picture; it's not a separate thing that's drawn over the room. Any border inconsistencies between rooms are just differences between different pictures. Any inconsistencies within a room, unless we're doing something wrong in our drawing code, are because that's what the artist drew.

(Exception: the corner graphic is a separate view drawn over the room picture.)

The room in the screenshot uses picture number 6, I checked it in resource viewers and ran the original in DOSBox and the areas you've circled look the same to me. I haven't seen any sign that ScummVM is drawing the picture inaccurately but maybe I'm missing something. Are you seeing different behavior in the original?

by m-kiewitz, 3 years ago

Attachment: camelot.jpg added

comment:2 by m-kiewitz, 3 years ago

I checked this room w/ DosBox and it seems to be the same.
See attached screenshot.

comment:3 by RogerW123, 3 years ago

I will definitely test this on an actual DOS PC in the next few days. This may be how the game renders things. Some scenes have even greater issues with the screen borders. It stood out to me so I assumed it was a error with ScummVM, but may well be exactly how the game originally was. I'll update this with my DOS testing.

comment:4 by sluicebox, 3 years ago

I love your eye for detail. I have a feeling this one is original behavior because it's just part of the picture, but don't let that discourage you. We absolutely want to keep hearing about any wrong pixels or deviations you find!

I had fun investigating that KQ1 Demo speed thing you posted... oh my gosh... FOUR YEARS AGO??

A million years ago I reported some stuff and Martin correctly shut down half of them as being original behavior that I had missed. And now here we are all in the same thread =)

comment:5 by sluicebox, 3 years ago

Owner: set to sluicebox
Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed
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