Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #12029

12/30/20 12:55:09 (3 years ago)


  • Ticket #12029 – Description

    initial v1  
    11ScummVM version: 2.2.0 and latest dev builds
    22COMI version: Italian and English
    34Bug: At the start of part 3 there's a cutscene in which Guybrush gets his ship boarded by Captain Rottingham. During this cutscene there are two camera shots which show the two ships getting closer. In the original interpreter, in the first shot, Rottingham ship gets closer by reaching the Sea Cucumber by "walking" vertically towards it (up), while in the second shot, Rottingham ship gets closer by walking horizontally towards our ship (right). In ScummVM the first shot works fine, **but in the second one, Rottingham ship refuses to go right** (but it can go the other directions just fine, by imposing those via code) and just goes up instead, **clipping with our ship sprite**.
    5 PLEASE NOTE: this appears to be a SCUMM walkbox/path-finding related bug (the ship finds an obstacle on the right, so to reach the destination it just goes in the up direction), since it also affects Full Throttle in a different way (softlocking the game...)
     6How to reproduce: just start Part 3.
     8PLEASE NOTE: this appears to be a SCUMM walkbox/path-finding related bug (the ship finds an obstacle on the right, so to reach the destination it just goes in the up direction), since it also affects Full Throttle in a different way (softlocking the game...) (see ticket [ #12030]