Opened 4 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#11909 closed defect (fixed)

TLJ: No renderers have been found for this game!

Reported by: bobosch Owned by: aquadran
Priority: normal Component: Engine: Stark
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: The Longest Journey


Not able to start The Longest Journey:
No renderers have been found for this game!

Game: Steam, English, Windows
ScummVM: 2.3.0git9462, Linux

Change History (13)

comment:1 by aquadran, 4 years ago

please try current daily if it works.
what build did you used?

comment:2 by bobosch, 4 years ago

Tested it again with Debian 64bit (with kubuntu 20.10)

ScummVM 2.3.0git9742-gb104ca3fd5 (Oct 26 2020 07:55:59)

Issue persists.

comment:3 by aquadran, 4 years ago

please try latest one

comment:4 by bobosch, 4 years ago

Thanks for the quick response!
Message changed to "Could not open shader stark_surface.vertex!!"
BTW: It is the steam version (without the fonts)

robert@robert-desktop:/home/ScummVM/debian-x86_64-master-a02f602d$ ./scummvm
WARNING: SDL mixer output buffer size: 512 differs from desired: 1024!
User picked target 'tlj-win' (engine ID 'stark', game ID 'tlj')...

Looking for a plugin supporting this target... Stark

INFO: OpenGL Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
INFO: OpenGL Renderer: GeForce GTX 1070/PCIe/SSE2
INFO: OpenGL Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 450.80.02
INFO: OpenGL Red bits: 8
INFO: OpenGL Green bits: 8
INFO: OpenGL Blue bits: 8
INFO: OpenGL Alpha bits: 8
INFO: OpenGL Z buffer depth bits: 24
INFO: OpenGL Double Buffer: 1
INFO: OpenGL Stencil buffer bits: 8
INFO: GLEW Version: 2.1.0
INFO: GLSL version: 4.60 NVIDIA
Could not open shader stark_surface.vertex!!
robert@robert-desktop:/home/ScummVM/debian-x86_64-master-a02f602d$ ./scummvm --version
ScummVM 2.3.0git9800-ga02f602dfb (Oct 27 2020 05:46:07)
Features compiled in: TAINTED Vorbis FLAC MP3 ALSA SEQ sndio TiMidity RGB zLib MPEG2 FluidSynth Theora AAC A/52 FreeType2 FriBiDi JPEG PNG cloud (servers, local) TinyGL OpenGL (with shaders) GLEW

comment:5 by bobosch, 4 years ago

Found the solution:

Copying the content from
to the debian-x86_64-master folder solves the issue.

comment:6 by aquadran, 4 years ago

this is not solution. archive is simply not packed with all files.

comment:7 by bobosch, 4 years ago

Yes, you are right, it is a workaround...

comment:8 by aquadran, 4 years ago

there is issue with packaging Debian archive.
so for now as workaround unpack "Nintendo Switch" package from daily and copy content of data/shaders/ to shaders/

comment:9 by bobosch, 4 years ago

Sorry, does not work. The game only starts after copy the files of Nintendo Switch from data/shaders/ to engines/stark/shaders/

BTW: residualvm-grim-patch.lab and residualvm-emi-patch.m4b are also missing in the debian package.

comment:10 by aquadran, 4 years ago

right, unix path point to different place. ok then, it least there is w/a for now

comment:11 by aquadran, 4 years ago

try latest daily. it has all data included into 'data' subfolder. and of course you need point extra path to 'data' folder.

comment:12 by bobosch, 4 years ago

I used data folder as working directory. Why this intricately way? It should find the files on its own.

Further shader is not found
Could not open shader stark_surface.vertex!!
When I move shaders/ to engines/stark/shaders/, scummvm crashes

robert@robert-desktop:/home/ScummVM/debian-x86_64-master-27abcdc4/scummvm/data$ ../scummvm
WARNING: SDL mixer output buffer size: 512 differs from desired: 1024!
User picked target 'tlj-win-de' (engine ID 'stark', game ID 'tlj')...

Looking for a plugin supporting this target... Stark

INFO: OpenGL Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
INFO: OpenGL Renderer: GeForce GTX 1070/PCIe/SSE2
INFO: OpenGL Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 450.80.02
INFO: OpenGL Red bits: 8
INFO: OpenGL Green bits: 8
INFO: OpenGL Blue bits: 8
INFO: OpenGL Alpha bits: 8
INFO: OpenGL Z buffer depth bits: 24
INFO: OpenGL Double Buffer: 1
INFO: OpenGL Stencil buffer bits: 8
INFO: GLEW Version: 2.1.0
INFO: GLSL version: 4.60 NVIDIA
Speicherzugriffsfehler (Speicherabzug geschrieben)

comment:13 by aquadran, 4 years ago

Owner: set to aquadran
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

you need setup extra path, this how it always worked.

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