Opened 4 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#11480 closed defect (fixed)

SCUMM: Loom (VGA) - Graphical glitches where some text appears over previous line and the wood musical note disappear

Reported by: DjDiabolik Owned by: athrxx
Priority: normal Component: Engine: SCUMM
Version: Keywords: Graphical Glitch Loom VGA
Cc: Game: Loom


I have tryed to play this games..... i never played in the pass and i have restart from scratch.

I have the currently GOG Release...... using the setup:
I'm not sure but ScummVM identifies it as "Loom VGA/CD". Problably the TALKIE DOS Version.

I have tryed to add this on currently Daily Build... exactly:
ScummVM 2.2.0git5568-gea3a6c25c4 (May 20 2020 08:04:27)

The games it's quite playable but in some case and in some rooms it's present some various graphicals glith which I have already described in the title:
Some times i see the text of a phrase appears over the previous in a wrong position.... other times "The musical wooden stick" it's disappers and then reappears when he uses it note by note.

Anyway.... i have play, from beginning, about one hours and i have reach the area of the crystal castle and it is difficult to indicate the exact points where these graphical glitch appears because it seems completely random.

Probably if some dev play it again from scratch it's obtain this also glitch on your setup.
I have attach my latest savegames. it's not a exact point you can see this glitch.... problably yes and problaby no but you only need to play this games a little and probably something "strange" will happen......

Attachments (6)

loom-vga.s08 (21.0 KB ) - added by DjDiabolik 4 years ago.
image-20210226-180508.png (51.8 KB ) - added by antoniou79 4 years ago.
image-20210226-181057.png (53.4 KB ) - added by antoniou79 4 years ago.
loom-ega.s35 (16.0 KB ) - added by antoniou79 4 years ago.
image-20210226-181634.png (42.3 KB ) - added by antoniou79 4 years ago.
Dragon's lair - click on gold and press Esc quickly
loom-ega.s36 (12.9 KB ) - added by antoniou79 4 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (10)

by DjDiabolik, 4 years ago

Attachment: loom-vga.s08 added

comment:1 by raziel-, 4 years ago

Summary: Some Graphical Glitch - Sometime some text appears over previous line other time the wood musical note disappear etc etc....SCUMM: Loom (VGA) - Graphical glitches where some text appears over previous line and the wood musical note disappear

by antoniou79, 4 years ago

Attachment: image-20210226-180508.png added

by antoniou79, 4 years ago

Attachment: image-20210226-181057.png added

by antoniou79, 4 years ago

Attachment: loom-ega.s35 added

by antoniou79, 4 years ago

Attachment: image-20210226-181634.png added

Dragon's lair - click on gold and press Esc quickly

by antoniou79, 4 years ago

Attachment: loom-ega.s36 added

comment:2 by antoniou79, 4 years ago

Similar glitches happened to me today while testing with the EGA floppy version (EGA/DOS/English).

Mode/difficulty: PRACTICE

This is on Windows 10, with OpenGL renderer.
ScummVM build: ScummVM 2.3.0git12848-g27153ed54b (Feb 21 2021 11:51:03)

If it matters, I was going through the game fast, skipping cutscenes and most of dialogue where possible using the Esc and dot (.) keys.

Glitch type A:
Text remnant bits over the distaff.

  • Arrive at Dragon's lair
  • Double Click on her "gold" for the first time (to trigger the discussion-cutscene with the dragon).
  • Press Esc quickly. Text will overlap / glitch with distaff

(screenshot and save game attached).
This also happens when trying to skip the "Conversation" at the Glassmakers Guild by pressing Esc fast enough.

Glitch type B.
This is basically the above reported "The musical wooden stick disappears and then reappears when he uses it note by note."
So the distaff becomes hidden and appears note by note.

  • Arrive at the Blacksmiths' Guild gate
  • Click on the door and try to use the OPEN draft on it (ECED)
  • The distaff will be already gone by that point and start re-appearing.

screenshot and savegame attached.

This glitch (B) also happens with the conversation at the Glassmakers Guild.

  • Double Click on "conversation" (to trigger the cutscene with the discussion)
  • Press Esc quickly after Bobbin starts overhearing. (This will also result in glitch type A as mentioned above)
  • Click to move Bobbin. The distaff will be gone.

Glitch type B happened in one other location, but I don't quite recall which one. It could be at the dragon's lair -- I will check again and report back.

Edit: Fixed instructions to reproduce, to write "double click" where appropriate

Last edited 4 years ago by antoniou79 (previous) (diff)

comment:3 by antoniou79, 4 years ago

After the recent commits by athrxx these glitches I mentioned above, at least on the EGA version that I tested, no longer occur.

Nice work!

comment:4 by athrxx, 4 years ago

Owner: set to athrxx
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Thanks for the help tracking down the bug and testing the fix.

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